Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for September 10, 2011
Satchel: So as an American, what do you hold against Canada? Bucky: Alaska, mainly, and Michigan. Then... Uh... Bits of Maine, I think. Satchel: So you're not going to give me a real answer? Bucky: Maine not a real place to you, big shot? Satchel: Canada's nice. You should be more open-minded. Bucky: I tried to be open-minded once. It interfered with my sense of humor.
hometownk Premium Member over 13 years ago
I’ve added comments to the past week of strips. I was away for the week. Miss me?
Canada has its beauty as does the US and every other part of the world. We have our good and our bad. BC just made world history by voting away an unpopular tax.
I won’t announce that I’m the first commentator, though.
x_Tech over 13 years ago
Bucky tried being open-minded once but some intelligence started to leak in.
zero over 13 years ago
At the risk of being gratuitously redundant, I maintain Canada’s greatest export is female actors.
wildcard68y over 13 years ago
Blame Canada!
vwdualnomand over 13 years ago
maine, michigan, and alaska all have governors who hate unions, bucky. they hate the poor. so, bucky you would like it in those states.
smollett over 13 years ago
Bucky’s brilliance always shines.
orinoco womble over 13 years ago
Bucky has a sense of humour?
tegm over 13 years ago
pschearer Premium Member over 13 years ago
Canada, that big empty space that keeps sending us its wretched refuse to take jobs from Americans, then quizzing vacationing Americans at the border out of fear one of us will take a job from them.
But I agree they are nice people. Nice, docile, compliant, subservient people who look with horror on any American who crosses the street against the “Do Not Walk” sign. Comes with being a subject of the Queen.
TheSpanishInquisition over 13 years ago
@pschearer — Um, nice, docile and compliant are traits I possess and enjoy in others. And who on earth crosses the street during a red light?
ChukLitl Premium Member over 13 years ago
Closed minds get constipated.Try a salad, with back bacon, eh?
iced tea over 13 years ago
Bucky should have a debate with Garfileld.
pschearer Premium Member over 13 years ago
Ooh, so many touchy people! As for Trusted Mechanic, I take offense at your insults. So there!
SquireWill over 13 years ago
Love the strip, hate the ‘hate comments’. I agree with the comment that this type of trash belongs on another forum.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 13 years ago
I think Canada is a great country!
bmckee over 13 years ago
@pschearer We have no “wretched refuse.”
doublepaw over 13 years ago
donaldo-I like they way you talk.
mlcweb over 13 years ago
Nice rebuke on pschearer (whether right or wrong) but where is your similar rebuke on vwdualnomand? Or is it only political statements you disagree with that are not allowed here?
Hunter7 over 13 years ago
Alaska, Washington State, Idaho, Montana. All border BC. Vancouver Island is larger than Prince Edward Island and its a very nice buffer for those pesky earthquakes. 6.4 magnitude and little to no damage. You gotta like it when things go sideways instead of dropping. Especially when you’re sitting at your desk with your chair moving and watching the blinds smack against the windows.. Everything is better with bacon. Back Bacon is even better. Very lean and Canadian. Should feed some to Bucky. He just might warm up to snow, sleds, and icicles. .And to whoever with the nasty comments – where would you have rather the American planes have landed on Sep 11,2001? China? Japan? Russia? Iraq? Iran?
Calvin and hobbes #1 over 4 years ago
Going to reference old comment thread, no one can prove Canada EXISTS
Calvin and hobbes #1 over 4 years ago
A joke of course
Stupendous Man!!! over 4 years ago
The big mitten is where you should live