Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for September 25, 2011
Mark: "Honest Man Seeks Platform." Hmmm... for today's guest commentary, I've found a special treat for you - an honest man! Take it, Jim! Man: Thanks, kid! As a member of the business community, I'd like to express my disgust at the GOP candidates who reversed themselves on global warming! The scientific case for global warming is overwhelming - and it grows daily! Only a moron would deny it! If you have a pro-growth case to make, then man up and make it! Don't hide behind ignorance! I don't oppose sound climate policy because it's flawed... I oppose it because I care much more about my short-term economic interests than the future of the damn planet! Hello? Mark: There you have it, folks - an honest man! Man: Wimps! These guys are total wimps!
BE THIS GUY over 13 years ago
Mark is dyeing his hair again and the stache too.
TURTLE over 13 years ago
Well, that is honesty. Profit before planet or anything else that would interfere with making moola!
rayannina over 13 years ago
A right-wing Bulworth. Love it.
jnik23260 over 13 years ago
I love this guy! Let’s see him come back again!
pjknb over 13 years ago
I love this strip as much as the next guy – but it is just a strip!!!
ImaginaryFriend over 13 years ago
Strong unions are as big a problem as strong government or big business. When any of the three get too big then problems arise. While big business can exist without the other two, unions and government cannot exist without business.
The problem we have today are that the unions and government are two big in the USA and thus US based business can no longer compete in the world market.
Coyoty Premium Member over 13 years ago
I’m not sure they’re hiding behind ignorance. They’re waving their ignorance like a flag because of their faith in it.
tigre1 over 13 years ago
Corporate capitalism is a great force. It’s just very difficult to change direction. The ‘boys’ wound it up and aimed it at tax reduction, and now that they’ve killed the middle class, they find out that for Globalism, they need American-style legal agreements…which requires American military…which relies on the middle class! oops. And it’s’way too late to re-programDooshe Wimpout the draft dodger…these are the guys that used to dump crap in streams,they still can’t think past the 2nd or 3rd move in these games…
nurbz over 13 years ago
so Global Warming ISN’T a Carbon Tax Grab Scam? (Jesse V…where R U?)
roctor over 13 years ago
Mr. businessman has quaterly dividens to pledge allegiance to. Not Americans.Not the enviorment nor infrastructure.The rest of the time he hires poli-temps to slash and burn their counrty in his name. They collectivity and dutifully cut corprate taxes and denouce deregulation.When the polis capitol is spent. They pray to is get a job from these bosses,
asa4ever over 13 years ago
Why are people so worried about the planet? Believe me, we will die off first and the planet will not miss us.
Potrzebie over 13 years ago
Robber barons and Ebenezer Scrooge would be proud of the GOP.
CaptainKiddeo over 13 years ago
Wasn’t Jim Andrews named for Trudeau’s publisher?
JAPrufrock over 13 years ago
Deregulation and the systematic attrition of union representation and influence have given Big Business, aka corporate capitalism, unprecedented power, which they use efficiently and to their advantage. Corporations have cheapened products so effectively that consumers have to spend more and more money and time to keep up with their former standards of living. They are uber-efficient in taking money from our pockets; God forbid it should stay there too long. They favor overpopulation because, in the short run, it increases the size of their markets. And, as the strip so aptly depicted, they don’t give a damn about the environment. On top of all that they are difficult to fight because they have all the money.
artmonet over 13 years ago
Susan Neuman, uh? Did youm mean Diogenes?
thrapp over 13 years ago
But…but…Corporations are people, too! Mitt Romney said so.
cdhaley over 13 years ago
Jim Andrews, vilified for his corporate greed during the Arab oil embargo (see lwp’s link to the Feb. 1974 strip, above), has now, a generation later, become the apostle of economic neoliberalism.More familiarly attacked as globalism, this latest version of individualism asserts our most basic natural right—-the need to survive—-in the context of a lawless world.Andrews’s neoliberalism makes us free in the same sense that predatory beasts are free to compete for their prey.
baileydean over 13 years ago
Gee “sammysock” (puppet)… did you actually READ “most of the comments…” … c’mon, ’fess up!
Radical_Knight over 13 years ago
You mean like the OIl & Gas Corporations that keep raising prices to offset those things you mentioned? Or like the government that reaps the taxes they add to inflated prices.
tootsieboo over 13 years ago
Seems to me that today, the “job creators” think that the “job doers” have no share in the success of business, only the failure; so they demand less participation of unions, lower wages and benefits for “doers” and higher bonuses for “creators”. Here in Cincy the local Ma Bell descendant paid out massive bonuses that were voted down by shareholders after an year of declining sales and profits because they could. But the people who carried out the failed policies lost their jobs.
roctor over 13 years ago
Sorry sammy I can’t fill up at your station. But I’ll fill up your sock.
Commentator over 13 years ago
“Nothing is incontrovertible in science” … Nobel Laureate Ivar Giaever. Photo: AFP
NEW YORK: A Nobel laureate has resigned from one of the world’s leading organisations for scientists in protest at its assertions that the evidence of damaging global warming is ’’incontrovertible’’.
In a new challenge to claims of a scientific ’’consensus’’ on climate change, Professor Ivar Giaever resigned from the 48,000-strong American Physical Society
Read more:
WaitingMan over 13 years ago
“Just because Al Gore is a Democrat doesn’t mean that global warming isn’t real.” Neil Young
BE THIS GUY over 13 years ago
Those same union costs created the great American middle class. When an assembly line worker earns a decent salary so he or she can buy a house, a car, a large color tv the entire economy benefits. An auto industry analyst in 1993 predicted that one of the beneficiaries of Clinton’s health plan would have been the US auto industry. It would of lowered production cost and made them more competative with their foreign rivals. But, of course, the GOP killed the health plan and production costs stayed high.
GTphile over 13 years ago
Larry said, about 4 hours agoWhy are people so worried about the planet? Believe me, we will die off first and the planet will not miss us.
Larry, Thanks for that cosmic observation. Amusing but sobering. Man is the first species with the capacity to accelerate its own extinction. Let’s put it another way for Mr Andrews: Do you want to help mankind go out of business?
x666dog over 13 years ago
Sounds like George Soros to me. More money and power to make the lower incomes fight each other and use my search engine.
FriscoLou over 13 years ago
Jim’s such an ethical swine. That’s what makes him an Amazing Business Man, a super hero who’s powers is the salary of 10,000 other men. He can swoop in and save foreclosed communities 10,000 at a time.
Remember, it takes a swine to take on Greedy Union Man.
GTphile over 13 years ago
Some day the Supreme Court may have to rule on what kind of person a corporation is, dontcha think? Isn’t a person a living being, with human rights, a heart, etc? Or only an entity? Seriously, this bothers me,and I am going to look up the language in the decision report. (After the Fed Ex Tournament,, of course.)
MatureCanadian over 13 years ago
But we, the consumers, are not willing to pay for manufacturing employees to have a “living” wage. We want low prices, therefore we buy Chinese cotton goods, Korean cars, Swedish furniture (Ikea), and our produce comes from South America! We helped bankrupt North American factories by not connecting the dots. Great strip, though.
cdhaley over 13 years ago
Your sneer at governments who plan for the future is silly. That’s what governments are for. Corporations—and CEOs like Andrews—never look more than two or three years ahead.
cdhaley over 13 years ago
Judging from the difficulty commenters have in focusing on the topic of today’s strip (corporate greed posing as neoliberalism), I’d say Doonesbury readers by and large find GBT’s cartoon images more accessible than his ideas.
fritzoid Premium Member over 13 years ago
“Robber barons and Ebenezer Scrooge would be proud of the GOP.”
It’s useful to remember that, by the end of the story, Ebenezer Scrooge did a 180-degree turn. Uncle Ebenezer is a MARVELOUS role model, if you follow his character arc to its end. But then, a “Christmas miracle” is still a miracle, and not to be expected often…
DylanThomas3.14159 over 13 years ago
" that ugly fat old corporate executive stereotype who worries about his own short term economic interests in which he’s invested HIS OWN MONEY".You mean OTHER PEOPLE’S MONEY invested in his fund.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 13 years ago
“. . . evil profiteers moving their businesses to Bangladesh.”.You mean “moving AMERICAN JOBS to Bangladesh”, don’t you?
DylanThomas3.14159 over 13 years ago
If he’s unregulated, it doesen’t matter whether or not the “Bernie Madoff” type is “running his own business” or “an investment broker”.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 13 years ago
So a “murder for hire” business is “[n]ot a bad idea”?
DylanThomas3.14159 over 13 years ago
“Being part of the global economy is all fine and dandy with you until it takes away the golden goose your unions and progressive politicians like to prey on.”.My unions?
DylanThomas3.14159 over 13 years ago
Why do you assume Leftwingpatriot wants to “eliminate corporations”? The difference between “eliminate” and “regulate” is all the difference needed for his point to prevail.
BE THIS GUY over 13 years ago
The corporations have destroyed their own market base taking jobs out of the US. Not all of the jobs they have taken have been union jobs. When a computer programming job is sent from California to Banglore, it isn’t a union worker going on unemployment. When call centers are moved from New York to Nova Scotia it isn’t a UAW member going on unemployment. I worked for a company that moved its entire customer support operation to Canada. One reason was that they didn’t have to provide Canadian workers with health care; the Canadian government took care of that. Unions have become a convenient scapegoat for the right wing. The truth be damned.