Endtown by Aaron Neathery for October 27, 2011

  1. Pib130828 eyebrow cocked
    bikenboatn  over 13 years ago

    Ok, so what kind of creature does Linda become? One down, one to go…

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  2. Lh 50
    Level_Head  over 13 years ago

    I’d hate to be reminded— He might have had to wind it! That happily wasn’t needed And Linda was defeated But Linda’s down, not dead And aims at sky instead Had Wally hesitated Holly’d be disintegrated Now Wally has to close As carefully as he goes To keep from further harm That fiend must be disarmed =|====/ Level Head Vote for Endtown 2.0 And for Doc Rat, too The Endtown Forum

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  3. Lh 50
    Level_Head  over 13 years ago

    Incidentally, the artwork’s quite nice It is deft with perspective and form Panel 1 and 4 use this quite nice But from Aaron, such work is the norm Note the camera close-up on each Making “distance” from noun to a verb This is something you fairly could teach But as usual, Endtown’s superb! =|====/ Level Head Vote for Endtown 2.0 And for Doc Rat, too The Endtown Forum

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  4. Me
    aneathery  over 13 years ago

    The Endtown mini-comic that I produced for Comicpalooza 2011 is now available to YOU for the offensively low price of $2.50 (price includes s&h, international add $1 for each copy ordered ). Besides sporting a snazzy full color cover, it contains an all-new 22 page story that is available nowhere else. And just because I feel like doing it, I’ll sign and personalize (if desired) each and every copy I mail out. Simply pay via PayPal using my email address, aaronneathery@gmail.com, and be sure to include your mailing address. If you can’t pay with PayPal, send payment to:Aaron NeatheryPO Box 920558Houston, TX 77292And, just so you know, I’m completely open to donations. The cat and mouse that live in my head will thank you. :-)

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  5. Pat new 150
    Patjade  over 13 years ago

    Aaron, is that the same booklet you offered earlier with the Mayor?

    Unfortunately, Linda sends up a signal flair for a lot of people to see.

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  6. New camera first shots 038
    Rennjack  over 13 years ago

    So much for setting it on stun. Now for the wind up.

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  7. Docrat logo avatar
    Jenner Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Just for those who missed it yesterday:To see an Endtown strip in full, living colour, go to http://s4.zetaboards.com/Endtown/topic/8973842/2/?x=0#post8084084.To see a really cool Aaron Neathery werewolf, go to http://s4.zetaboards.com/Endtown/topic/9177263/1/#newThese are two pieces of artwork that, with his permission and generous cooperation, will be in the program book for our Australian convention, MiDFur www.midfur.com.au

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  8. Missing large
    Arcaton  over 13 years ago

    Linda is down, but is she out? Straight through the chest I’d have thought would have liberated her from her hellish existence….

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  9. Skipper
    3hourtour Premium Member over 13 years ago

    …classic western prose..the villian fires aimlessly while dying…

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  10. Penguins
    DADOF3  over 13 years ago

    Comparing this with the gun battle at the begining of the Wally story, I’m pretty sure she was just stunned. Impact here was much less forceful and Aaron is a master of detail!

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  11. Missing large
    Niall-Can  over 13 years ago

    I see people have been checking out the strip late at night instead of early morning. They can’t wait that long. Good job Aaron. :)Very good job indeed with the art today! Excellent perspectives and angles! Linda passes out with her finger on the trigger.. not good. It can always be re-aimed by Doug…

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  12. Version 2
    The Eclexian Premium Member over 13 years ago

    I’m missing the humor that used to be part of the strip (like L_H’s referenced sequence of Al winding up the blaster and finally bringing back the beans). I realize there are times when it doesn’t fit, but we could use a little comic relief, I think…

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  13. Version 2
    The Eclexian Premium Member over 13 years ago

    The contrast between the precise ray of Wally’s older gun, and the splattering sloppiness of the TSes’ newer tech is most interesting…Given that Wally’s ray went right through her, I assume she’s toast at this point…

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  14. Oddericon
    OdderOtter  over 13 years ago

    My first impression was a dead person’s last twitches send a signal beam to the sky. But enough have been convincing, that I do not know what to think, except to wait to tomorrow. Now even the broader handguns of the TS people leave skelatons

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  15. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 13 years ago

    About freaking time Walley!! I knew all he needed was a love interest to free him from that pacifist bulldropping.

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  16. Oddericon
    OdderOtter  over 13 years ago

    (i didn’t mean to hit return) and thus the smaller ones could still leave enough. Too much of this shoot and still not be disintegrated stuff leaves me wanting to look at the technical manual. I would not think that she could still be alive from past hits, or even there at all from past experience. In any case the TS consider one of their own who mutates as dead to them. And this looks like it could be a mated pair, the other will go ballistic soon.

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  17. Oddericon
    OdderOtter  over 13 years ago

    I do not think the guns have a stun setting. Could you prove me wrong?

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  18. Missing large
    Demonick  over 13 years ago

    For one who claims to not like guns, Wally is an excellent shot. Hmmm…

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  19. Papa smurf walking smiling
    route66paul  over 13 years ago

    That gun had to be a stun gun – it just stunned Flask.

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  20. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  over 13 years ago

    That had to hurt…!

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  21. Angel cat
    noreenklose  over 13 years ago

    YAY!!! GO HOLLY!!!I just love the facial expressions in Panel #4.C’mon Wally, you can stop the guy you’re holding. Go for the win.So, Aaron, what do the three dots mean?Good work.


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  22. 181963 10150403407290214 84362875213 17424814 5846484 n
    metropolitan gnome  over 13 years ago

    yea. seeing as how she isn’t disintegrated (at least, I assume that both sides use disintegration) and she’s saying something, even if it is “…” I’d say she’s defiantly only paralyzed.

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  23. Galaxy
    Franz Obern  over 13 years ago

    I don’t know. I think Wally put it on stun, especially in light of his talk with Petey about how to do so. Also, on December 10, 2010 (mark me on this, I checked, but I may have mixed up the date), when Flask shoots a TS, you actually see his suit fall to pieces, the eye piece flying off in a different direction. On March 4, 2011, it was different, at a different range, yet when Allie shot the TS, you could still see pieces of his disintegrated self flying backwards. The rest of his body did remain intact, but I think that his suit actually broke.

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