Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for September 12, 2011
Book: "Gary Wheeler... served as head of Governor Sarah Palin's personal security detail. 'What it came down to was she didn't want us around... She didn't want anybody to follow her to Nordstrom's when she went shopping every day... she didn't want anybody to know she wasn't coming in until ten a.m. and then leaving by three... you know what she was? A housewife who happened to be governor. I'd fly cross-country with her many times and she'd spend the whole trip looking at People magazine...'" Roland: "New book explodes myth of Sarah not reading."
BE THIS GUY over 13 years ago
Katie Couric’s question has finally been answered.
JosephBidenJr99 over 13 years ago
Nothing turns the lib spin machines on like the mention of Sarah Palin!
Darryl Heine over 13 years ago
My local paper, the Chicago Tribune, isn’t carrying this week’s Doonesbury strips because of something not suited.
babka Premium Member over 13 years ago
who owns the Chicago Tribune?
dook over 13 years ago
This reminds me of the old chestnut about President Richard Nixon (“Tricky Dick” to the left wingers) walking across the Potomac to get from his presidential yacht to shore. The headline next day in the liberal media read “PRESIDENT CAN’T SWIM”
larryhunt3 over 13 years ago
This is what the Tribune literally said in this morning’s paper: “This week’s ‘Doonesbury’ does not meet our standards of fairness.” Their on-line paper, which touts its great selection of comics, doesn’t even list “Doonesbury” as a choice, as though they’ve stopped running it. That’s courage, isn’t it?
Also, can anyone tell me how this strip is unfair and to whom?
TheSpanishInquisition over 13 years ago
@Sorkh Razil — A totally misguided picture of liberals. I could care less what Sarah Palin says or does; she’s clearly not running. I don’t have any interest in hating on her or any members of the Republican party. And saracastically calling O’Bomber “the Anointed One” is rather silly, as no one really likes him anymore.
“Hope and change”. I believe that as much as I did with O’Bomber. Once you get a Repub president, you’ll find they don’t care what happens to middle-class worker, or people with pre-existing medical conditions, or anyone for that matter.
BrianCrook over 13 years ago
This will be a very entertaining week. Of course, Sarah Palin is worthless. The rightstream media have moved on to Representative Bachmann & Governor Perry. That will be quite the Teapublican ticket next year. It will garner a lot of votes when Perry announces that he will end Social Security and when Bachmann tries to explain her husband’s federal aid to “cure” homosexuality.
Nighthawks Premium Member over 13 years ago
notice that people of this persuasion are absolutely astounded that everybody doesn’t think the same way they do? what exactly is going to be the big change if you get Perry or Romney in the white house. how exactly does that ‘take back your country’? more tax cuts for the rich guy? more stomping on the little guy? or is it plain and simple that some people just can’t STAND for a non-white person to live in their white house?oh no! they will reply in horror. we LOVE colored folks. it’s all about states’ rights!
BE THIS GUY over 13 years ago
I personally consider a book about Sarah Palin an unnecessary waste of paper or space on your electronic reader. If you’re a Palin supporter, you have no intention of buying this book. If you’re a critic or opponent, there is nothing in this book that will surprise you. That being said, here is Youtube link to the Couric question I referred to earlier:
montessoriteacher over 13 years ago
I don’t believe Sarah Palin is running for office, though I think it would be great if she would do so. If only… Also, she doesn’t deserve to be called “Governor” since you don’t get to keep the title if you abdicate the job.
Dirty Dragon over 13 years ago
Who’s to say that Trudeau didn’t really get an advance copy, and is helping the author publicize the book via Roland?
pirate227 over 13 years ago
Ouch, truth hurts more than any spin.
Dtroutma over 13 years ago
The problem is the folks doing Sarah’s “spin cycle” need to stop using hot water in their brain washing- and halt the shrinkage.
Knightman Premium Member over 13 years ago
Corporate America calls the shots for all parties, if you want to be mad, rant on them! Not each other!
Carolo1 over 13 years ago
49 Hawaii isn’t a state any more.
Potrzebie over 13 years ago
Wow. Half a day and no hate post from PShearer. Did the pukes fire him?
BrianCrook over 13 years ago
President Obama is no more a socialist than is anyone who drives on the highways or relies on the F.D.A. to examine our food.
The U.S.A. is a capitalist-socialist country. No one this side of Representative Paul & Governor Perry would want it any other way.
wwh85cp over 13 years ago
Washington Post today – article says Trudeau and McGinniss partnered on this sequence, which will save GT a lot of grief in the courtroom later.
montessoriteacher over 13 years ago
Obama not only respects the U.S. Constitution, he taught Constitutional Law. He also was the first black president of Harvard Law Review. If you don’t like socialism, are you planning on using Medicare? Social Security? Are you going to refuse those things? How about public schools? How about emergency services? Street lights? Public roads? Let’s do away with all those things since they are all paid for by the government!
WaitingMan over 13 years ago
Anyone who thinks Barack Obama is a Socialist is seventeen levels beyond ignorant. In the last presidential election, I voted for Brian Moore, the Socialist Party candidate. Obama’s policies are neo-fascist compared to Moore’s.
Dtroutma over 13 years ago
btw: That “Sarah’s spin cycle” is ALL the Teapublicans. Evidence of “overdone” is that even the formerly rational ones are caught in it.
stevetalley7497 over 13 years ago
Whoa! All this spinning left then right then back is makin’ me dizzzzy.
Dave Wollenberg over 13 years ago
The Tribume must be biased against Sarah! It’s a shame that I have to come to this site to read, what should rightfully be in the Chicago Trib!
vwdualnomand over 13 years ago
book about a quitter? who wants to read about that?
JymDyer over 13 years ago
=v= Apparently the /Chicago Tribune/ thinks it’s unfair for Trudeau to print actual excerpts from the book when nobody has the book yet. Makes zero sense.
Dereckw over 13 years ago
Chicago Tribune refused to run this strip. Guess the PC Police went round and beat them up…
dlauber Premium Member over 13 years ago
The Chicago Tribune has censored this strip and Tuesday’s as well, claiming that they violate the Tribune’s “fairness” policy. This is a bogus claim. It’s more likely that the comics editor feared the wrath of the Tribune’s radical right wing libertarian publisher Samuel Zell. Heck, if these violate the Tribune’s “fairness” policy, then every Prickly City strip violates it in spades.
Rayandkrisneu over 13 years ago
The Chicago Tribune won’t run Doonesbury this week because it doesn’t meet their standard of fairness. I don’t agree. Comic strip seems fine to me!
steelersneo over 13 years ago
Only liberals consider the lies spewed forth by CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNBC to be the truth. More like, the truth as we want to present it. Spun until it no longer even resembles the truth. Like that game played by children where a person on the end whispers something to the person next to them and so on until by the time it reaches the end what is said doesn’t even resemble what was said originally. GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS UNBIASSED REPORTING ANYMORE. EVERYONE HAS AN AGENDA. RIGHT, LEFT, DOESN’T MATTER. THEY ARE ALL LYING TO YOU. GET IT?
TMO1 Premium Member over 13 years ago
She really is dense if she’s entertained by “People” magazine on a flight of more than 5 minutes in length.