Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for September 13, 2011
Book: "About 20 minotry (state) employees... worked as campaign volunteers for Sarah... almost as soon as she was elected, she ordered them all fired. Her chief of staff, Mike Tibbles, came in one day and said, 'they're all fired. That's what she wants.' Sarah just isn't comfortable in the presence of dark-skinned people." Roland: "Book: Palin shaped staff to look more like Alaska."
BE THIS GUY over 13 years ago
She wanted a staff made up of huskies and drunks.
YatInExile over 13 years ago
I just woke up from a dream. In my dream, I heard a voice: “I, Sarah Louise Palin, do solemnly swear…"
chasches over 13 years ago
In case anyone was wondering, these excerpts are for real. Garry Trudeau received one of only three advance copies of the book.
Coyoty Premium Member over 13 years ago
Does Roland not realize that when the book is published, his tweets will be compared against it?
judy.palen over 13 years ago
What amazes me is that the USA allows a foreign national to play games with their political process!
I have to wonder when China (or ???) will buy their own “faux news” network to influence US policy.
vwdualnomand over 13 years ago
so, she hates the natives who were in alaska before her clan ever heard of alaska? what do expect from a quitter.
BrianCrook over 13 years ago
This remains an entertaining week of strips, but I can’t understand why Joe McGinniss called the book “The Rogue”. Sarah Palin is about as much of a rogue as is my lemon zester, although, unlike Palin, my zester works reliably and hasn’t quit.
Does anyone still take Palin seriously, and, if so, why?
Sandfan over 13 years ago
I don’t watch TV news, but I have read that Fox is the highest rated news program. If it is bad as many of you say it is, how do you know that? Are you watching it and thus contributing to its popularity, or are you simply parroting the opinions of whatever news source you favor?
aitches_2 over 13 years ago
The Chicago Tribune isn’t running this week’s strips. They say it violates their ‘fairness’ policy. So sad.
asa4ever over 13 years ago
I get all my news from Doonesbury. Anything else like Europe are just fluff pieces to fill in the time on 24 hour TV
Doughfoot over 13 years ago
These strips aren’t about Palin, they are about America, and about the way the media operate. Palin is not the disease, she is the symptom. The disease will keep creating Palins unless something happens to change our course, and I don’t see that happening any time soon. When do we see the book on Perry? On Bachmann? Of course, as one person remarked yesterday, those who love Sarah won’t read or believe McGinniss’ book or care, and those who fear her will find what they want to find. The person who is genuinely neutral in his judgement of Palin might be influenced by the book, but he’s not to sort to read this kind of book either. ( I think he lives Missouri. But there may even be two or three others like him. ) Still, good to have this stuff down, if only for the sake of future historians, if there should be such.
roctor over 13 years ago
Citizens of WI realized their honcho was just a sepoywhose marching orders were given from out of state.
JosephBidenJr99 over 13 years ago
I get all my news from Chris Mathews and MSNBC, therefore I have no biases.
sharbar1 over 13 years ago
i hope this country goes back to all people are created equal. May we take the sarah palins etc out of office and may the tea party go where they belong to a island with no people but them.
Malcolm Hall over 13 years ago
Everytime people carp about Prez O, I remember that the alternative was just toooo ghastly.
TheSpanishInquisition over 13 years ago
“Look more like Alaskans” would mean the brown-skinned people who lived there originally, before we showed up with “civilization”.
dlauber Premium Member over 13 years ago
The Chicago Tribune has censored this strip and yesterdays, claiming that they violate the Tribune’s “fairness” policy. This is a bogus claim. It’s more likely that the comics editor feared the wrath of the Tribune’s radical right wing libertarian publisher Samuel Zell. Heck, if these violate the Tribune’s “fairness” policy, then every Prickly City strip violates it in spades.
Stephen Gilberg over 13 years ago
I’d like Garry to cite his sources, because this sounds incredible.
platinumboy7 over 13 years ago
Liberals don’t rely on facts like conservatives do. They rely on inuendo and call those who don’t believe them “unintelligent”. Interestingly, The Chicago Tribune, an ulra-leftist rag that was once a bastion of sensibility, but now hires Muslims to trumpet their cause, is not running Doonesbury this week because the storyline violates the Trib’s Fairness Doctrine.
TheSpanishInquisition over 13 years ago
@platinumboy7 — Like the “facts” that say gays are evil, the Earth is cooling, and that people should survive based on whether or not they’re productive to society? You’re the one who’s running from the facts and hiding behind blanket statements. I personally think both Libs and Cons have their fair share of delsuions sometimes.
Dtroutma over 13 years ago
Watched the Teaparty “debates” last night and Ron Paul getting booed for his “left wing views” that wars aren’t the best way to increase “jobs”, or improve the economy. Sadly made me realize Sarah may be the “smarter, saner” one. Anencephaly is their common denominator.
chicken 33 over 13 years ago
China News Network is pretty good on world news.
freeholder1 over 13 years ago
GT is merely saying " The medium is the massage" roughly forty years after Marshal McLuhan.
pirate227 over 13 years ago
Sarah, is ignorant AND a racist?Well, they do go hand-in-hand.
vwdualnomand over 13 years ago
so, she banned the bible? sex and violence in that one.
jeanne12127 over 13 years ago
I find nothing strange about Palins color sensitivity. How more American does she have to get .. been going on since the guys followed Chris Columbus and did their best to clear out the prevalent “color” then … then brought in — ‘allowed’ in .., bunches of Other shades and hot Damn we got COLOR again! My ‘Amerind’ & ‘Irish’ & ‘Scots’ and ‘Germanic’ and ‘desert-dweller’ ancestors are snickering!
pbarnrob over 13 years ago
Look up [Lee Atwater], who finally apologized (on his deathbed), for some of the dirtier tricks he pulled for the GOP, and realize he’s mentor to Karl Rove, the current slime source for the sleaziest. See who Rove is working for, and you will see who may be behind bars in twenty years or so, once the Bush coup d’etat is overthrown.It just goes on and on.I’ll vote again once it’s on paper (recountable), counted by humans in public view.