Oh, good. The judge will shoot Serena and end up in prison for the crime, ending this storyline without Tarzan having to do much. Too bad this happened before Serena seduced Tarzan, though.
Brands sneaky, slanty eyes are about to pop out of his skull! I wonder if Mr. Crispy will disable him before he “pops” Serena? Then again, Asim the eunuch may tear him asunder as well. Anyway, Tarzan, who should have taken Brand out already has grown soft and lazy after being “brutalized” by Serena’s aggressive behaviour! Quartermain, the proverbialstuff is about to hit the fan and the only one we know will survive is………..and I don’t smoke. :)>
APersonOfInterest over 13 years ago
The Honorable Judge has the look of a Praying Mantis … or should that be Preying Mantis?.
brickhouse over 13 years ago
Hi teresa!!:-)
wiselad over 13 years ago
told ya the Judge might kill Serena
Olddog1 over 13 years ago
The judge reminds me a bit of Peter Lorre
tripwire45 over 13 years ago
Oh, good. The judge will shoot Serena and end up in prison for the crime, ending this storyline without Tarzan having to do much. Too bad this happened before Serena seduced Tarzan, though.
Dkram over 13 years ago
Did anybody notice Peter in the back ground?.\\//_
quartermain over 13 years ago
profkatz over 13 years ago
Brands sneaky, slanty eyes are about to pop out of his skull! I wonder if Mr. Crispy will disable him before he “pops” Serena? Then again, Asim the eunuch may tear him asunder as well. Anyway, Tarzan, who should have taken Brand out already has grown soft and lazy after being “brutalized” by Serena’s aggressive behaviour! Quartermain, the proverbialstuff is about to hit the fan and the only one we know will survive is………..and I don’t smoke. :)>
profkatz over 13 years ago
Never smoked……tobacco. :)
ghretighoti over 13 years ago
All the trouble everyone is in here! And it’s all Tarzan’s fault, because he’ s HONEST!