Spamgaard, you misunderstand. I’m sure you’ve heard the basic tenet of economics that if you want more of something, you tax it less, if you want less of something, tax it more. For example, taxes on cigarettes are about public health (not because addicts will pay 60% tax). So if you extend the tax more/tax less concept, you want fewer poor people, you want them to become richer. Thus you tax the poor more, resulting in fewer of them. They must have gotten richer, which is what you wanted. Taxing the poor helps them become rich (even though economists don’t fully understand the process they travel to move from poor to rich).
Government is not for redistributing wealth, whether it’s from the rich to the poor, the working to the retired, from profitable companies to failing companies, from industry X to industry Y, etc. In other words, the government has no right to take from people who’ve earned their money to give to someone who hasn’t.
Concerned for the poor? Then give them YOUR money, not someone else’s. GM failing? Let them fail and see if someone who buys them for cents on the dollar can’t make it work. Banks failing? Abolish the FDIC and let people be more careful where they put their money. Somebody wants a subsidy? Tough!
Bottom line: It’s government’s sole proper job to protect rights. Anything else violates somebody’s rights, the exact opposite of government’s purpose. As the French once put it, “laissez faire”.
Pete, Pete, Pete, how many times have they told you to stay off the mushrooms? Don’t ascribe your confusions to me.
The reason America is failing is because socialisms of all varieties—Mao, Keynes, or Obama— always fail, some sooner, some later, but always eventually. The only solution for America is to turn the ship around and head back toward freedom. THAT makes perfect sense to me.
Olddog1 over 13 years ago
As long as you get to keep the profits and have the losses subsidized.
William Bednar Premium Member over 13 years ago
Now we see the light!
Spamgaard over 13 years ago
And while we believe in lower taxes for the rich, the poor should be taxed heavily. It’s their own fault that they’re not rich!
mysticturner over 13 years ago
Spamgaard, you misunderstand. I’m sure you’ve heard the basic tenet of economics that if you want more of something, you tax it less, if you want less of something, tax it more. For example, taxes on cigarettes are about public health (not because addicts will pay 60% tax). So if you extend the tax more/tax less concept, you want fewer poor people, you want them to become richer. Thus you tax the poor more, resulting in fewer of them. They must have gotten richer, which is what you wanted. Taxing the poor helps them become rich (even though economists don’t fully understand the process they travel to move from poor to rich).
Pharmakeus Ubik over 13 years ago
Mysticturner, the process is called apoplutosis.
pschearer Premium Member over 13 years ago
Government is not for redistributing wealth, whether it’s from the rich to the poor, the working to the retired, from profitable companies to failing companies, from industry X to industry Y, etc. In other words, the government has no right to take from people who’ve earned their money to give to someone who hasn’t.
Concerned for the poor? Then give them YOUR money, not someone else’s. GM failing? Let them fail and see if someone who buys them for cents on the dollar can’t make it work. Banks failing? Abolish the FDIC and let people be more careful where they put their money. Somebody wants a subsidy? Tough!
Bottom line: It’s government’s sole proper job to protect rights. Anything else violates somebody’s rights, the exact opposite of government’s purpose. As the French once put it, “laissez faire”.
pschearer Premium Member over 13 years ago
Pete, Pete, Pete, how many times have they told you to stay off the mushrooms? Don’t ascribe your confusions to me.
The reason America is failing is because socialisms of all varieties—Mao, Keynes, or Obama— always fail, some sooner, some later, but always eventually. The only solution for America is to turn the ship around and head back toward freedom. THAT makes perfect sense to me.