Frank and Ernest by Thaves for October 09, 2011
Frank: "The candidates are already campaigning down there. The endorphin seems to be creating a buzz...." Frank: "That adrenaline molecule is energizing its supporters, and the intestine cell is saying it's the best candidate to eliminate waste!" Frank: "Those antibodies are supporting establishment candidates by attacking outsider political newcomers." Frank: "And the O-Negative blood is supporting everybody, giving money to all the candidates!" Ernest: "Of course, it's the universal donor!"
spirit2002 over 13 years ago
More like they are the enima.
gdshiell over 13 years ago
I never did understand US politics!
InTraining Premium Member over 13 years ago
Frank and Ernest do not mention Republicans or Democrats…….. Follow their lead here…. and just concentrate on the candidate that best matches your beliefs………. Or you can finger point…… and get nowhere………….! !
Tin Can Twidget over 13 years ago
@Glengolfer - I don’t either, but I’ve only lived here for 79 years.
bmonk over 13 years ago
The kidney cell just pisses all the voters off, and the eyelid keeps the retina cells in the dark.