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Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for October 31, 2011
TJ: "What're you doin' home, Brad? Get off work early?" Brad: "I got fired" TJ: "WHAT?" Brad: "My boss, Ann Eiffel - just up and fired me. No warning, no reason. Just "you're fired. Leave now" Brad: "Why would she do that, TJ? Does it make any sense to you?" TJ: "Uh..."
TooOldToBeCool over 13 years ago
Major explosion in 5…4…3…
flashman.ace over 13 years ago
Why no, nossir, no sense at all, nope, no way. Say, is it suddenly hot in here?
FatTonyBalducci over 13 years ago
uh oh……..what TJ did??
bikenboatn over 13 years ago
So much for having TJ get it all on video.
ZacBSM over 13 years ago
GULP! (thinking…what the h*** did Toni say to her??)
mojitobaby over 13 years ago
Brad has no more clue now he then did when he thought he could “handle” Ann. The fact that she was mercurial and all over the map should have set off at least one warning bell.
Orion-13 over 13 years ago
Right to Work State – employment is at both parties whim, either can leave or be terminated at any time with or without cause.
Orion-13 over 13 years ago
Now, if she puts out false info during his upcoming job search THAT is actionable.
ShagsCA over 13 years ago
Time to order take out — an order of sum dum pal!
Comicman424 over 13 years ago
TJ’s lookin’ awfully guilty…
wiselad over 13 years ago
now TJ will insist in paying the whole rent each month …………….. as he feels guilty
SideshowStarlet over 13 years ago
Cheer up, Brad. Maybe in your depression, you carelessly left Ann’s dry cleaning near a deep fat frier. This would then cause a fire to break out, resulting in a bunch of local firefighters, many of them who are probably GASP friends with Brad, pouring into Weenie-World (much to Ann’s annoyance… ah, well, at least they won’t be able to TALK TO Brad). ….Ann would then be blamed for starting the fire, since it’s her dry-cleaning and she wouldn’t have evidence that it was Brad who left the clothes there seeing as… …1. Brad’s long-gone. He’s just an expendable employee that Ann can apparently hire and fire at whim. The Board of Weenies isn’t going to track him down and question him about his boss’s dry cleaning. They’ll just hire another manager who would… oh, I don’t know, MANAGE A BUSINESS instead of trying to star in her own soap opera/porno. ….2. How would he have gotten a hold of Ann’s dry-cleaning in the first place? It would be obvious to the WeenieWorld directors that Ann either sent Brad to pick it up on company time and on Weenie-World’s dime or she’s just lying to push the blame onto Brad. …. I just think it’d be awesome if the dry-cleaning caught fire.
SideshowStarlet over 13 years ago
Judging by TJ’s expression, he apparently had no plan beyond telling Toni to warn Ann off Brad. Anyone who knew Ann would be able to tell that it’s a bad idea, most of all a skilled manipulator and con-man like TJ. However, TJ only caught a glimpse of Ann before plunging forward into a scheme. He didn’t know her well enough to know how she’d react.
wlbaz over 13 years ago
I gotta give TJ credit…his expression is genuine. :)
SideshowStarlet over 13 years ago
OK, TJ. You’re my favorite Luann character and all (I squealed with joy when I found the 1992 strip in which you were introduced in the archives), but that piece of paper you’re holding had BETTER be a deed or contract or whatever that signifies that you are the proud owner of the Pittsville Weenie-World establishment. … Because I don’t think Greg’s going to use my idea of Ann’s dry cleaning going up in greasy, weenie-flavored flames. Too bad.
chicken 33 over 13 years ago
chicken 33 over 13 years ago
Whut you talkin bout Willis.
SideshowStarlet over 13 years ago
I hope that until Brad can get this job thing sorted out, TJ will pay the full rent whether Brad likes it or not. ….Remember back when TJ was offering Brad three grand? I really thought that TJ would convince Brad to take the money. I mean, TJ’s been able to convince Brad to do absolutely everything else (painting the walls black and building an archway, letting TJ move in, the Tiffany/Dirk scheme, and all that stuff in the earlier strips… oh, so many schemes, and Brad went along with all of them). Seriously, the three grand thing was probably the one time in the strip’s history that Brad hadn’t gone along with what TJ wanted. And it would have actually helped him without the risk of backfiring! … Hey, I bet when Brad inevitably gets mad at TJ for (indirectly) causing him to get fired, TJ will point out that someone with Brad’s training and experience can get a better job than working at Weenie-World. I mean, someone in this strip has to, and TJ and Toni currently appear to be the only ones smart enough to figure this out … Well, Ann could figure it out, which was part of the reason she tried so hard to break Brad’s spirit.
Sisyphos over 13 years ago
Well, TJ is no longer smirking. I wonder what kind of explanation he will concoct for Brad, if any? Maybe Toni thought a bit farther ahead than TJ….
DockoftheBay over 13 years ago
Me thinks that TJ’s scheme backfired if you excuse the pun. I still think that Brad can do a whole lot better than WW but that’s another story. Me thinks that Brad will lose his cool at both TJ and Toni and trouble looms ahead for their relationship. She went behind his back to conspire with TJ and his thoughtless plan. Sometimes meaning well comes ahead of thinking things out and seeing the repercussions of one’s actions. Brad has to deal with his problems by himself or he will continue to a a helpless child in this strip. I think he can take the initiative if he’s given the opportunity.
wiselad over 13 years ago
even when he is sad, TJ shows his teeth
sw717 over 13 years ago
fired for stealing the uniform…
Rockabore over 13 years ago
Nice going TJ, everyone who follows your advice ends up worse off for it.
Ottodesu over 13 years ago
Brad is such a good metaphor for me. Maybe Men in general. No idea what’s going on, or who has pulled the strings.
raphae_zx over 13 years ago
Uh oh ….. looks like a lawsuit against Ann and new manager, Brad, coming up :)
maestrabella67 over 13 years ago
I never understand why Brad goes along with TJ’s silly ideas… or why Toni did this time. They’re both smarter than he is, aren’t they? Yikes! Right to work… soon my state will be that… ugh!
kittylover2 over 13 years ago
When you take a bully/manipulator’s power away which Toni did that’s the result. They lash out any way they can.
DayoftheDead over 13 years ago
Yet another TJ plan gone Bust, Me thinks he will be looking for another place to live soon.
ComicLaff over 13 years ago
Come up with a good excuse, TJ.
Ottodesu over 13 years ago
Ummmm, what exactly was TJ’s plan?
vanhelsing23666 over 13 years ago
Its not gonna be pretty when brad finds out what happened!
Mordock999 over 13 years ago
Yeah, TJ!
Tell Your “BEST Friend” How YOUR PREDICTABLY STUPID Idea cost Brad His Job!!!!
Mordock999 over 13 years ago
Oh, and for ALL you TJ apologists out there that THOUGHT Old Smilely was filming the whole drama last week?EPIC – FAIL!!!!!
(Cue the “Cackles of Triumph”!!!)
hwcrescent over 13 years ago
this will really dress up his resumé! for the first 3 months they don’t need a reason, but toni’s interference did make him a crappy employ
imbaldeagle over 13 years ago
TJ’s expression – PRICELESS! Toni & Brad will be OK, but this could cause a rift between Brad & TJ that may not be quickly healed. Can’t imagine that Brad with WW will continue – even if Ann is disciplined. Brad will get the fireman job back but not until next year. What’s next?
Randyincv over 13 years ago
Ann Eifel’s @$$ is Grass and WeenieWorld Corporate is the lawn mower. Brad get rehired at the Fire dept and he and Toni get married and have kids (Insert Disney ending here)
Chuck373 over 13 years ago
What realy blows my mind is that TJ seems to have no idea that this would happen. I guess that’s the way you think when you’ve never had a job. The only good thing about it is that Brad will now need to go out and find a real job, instead of waiting for one to fall into his lap.
mojitobaby over 13 years ago
Because it was either that or wear Ann’s dry cleaning home.
Mighty_Mouse over 13 years ago
Maybe he’s going to wear the uniform for Halloween?Trick or treat, Ms Eiffel!Muhahahhaha!
Dragongirl2319 over 13 years ago
Of COURSE it makes no sense to TJ. How on EARTH could one of his “fail-proof” plans POSSIBLY go wrong?
Nighthawks Premium Member over 13 years ago
but on the upside, he apparently gets to keep the cool uniform
mojitobaby over 13 years ago
NOW you’ve done it – every guy on this thread will call for Ann Eiffel to be fired while she’s in uniform!
imbaldeagle over 13 years ago
Since Pittsville is NOT the real world, many of the comments on Gocomics do not apply. Lawsuits, unemployment, illegal termination, return of uniform when fired, severance, and on & on. Either that, or this is covered on episodes that occur behind the scenes & between the strips. After all, Greg can’t cover everything or we’d never get closure.
wozmon over 13 years ago
Can you say “Deal Breaker?” No one should ever involve themselves with their significant others work place – I would break up with TD for this. She may not like the way Brad’s job was going, but its up to Brad to handle it. She just emasculated him. Can you say “She Gone?”
hippogriff over 13 years ago
orion 13: Didn’t Anatole France describe a “right to work” state in a depression? “The law in its majesty forbids both rich and poor from sleeping under bridges, begging on the street, and stealing bread.”
Chuck373 over 13 years ago
Toni was walking out of WW very satisfied with herself. I knew the moment she grabbed Ann’s wrist that Brad was fired. Didn’t she? I wonder if she will also be surprised? Also, will she feel responsible? Right now TJ doesn’t know what happened between Ann and Toni. I wonder if TJ will contact Toni to find out before admitting anything to Brad. Will she and TJ will make a pact to admit nothing?
SABRSteve over 13 years ago
Is Brad off to OWS?
Chuck373 over 13 years ago
Brad was doing just fine till his “friends” decided to make decisions for him behind his back. He wasn’t going to succumb to Anns seductions. As for her demanding nature, good management in the fast food industry.
Davison77 over 13 years ago
What exactly was TJ’s plan again?
Hugh Manatee over 13 years ago
OMG! I can see it coming! Ann Eiffel and Dirk are gonna hook up!! ;)
mojitobaby over 13 years ago
What are you smoking???
I want some!
Come on, a Brad’n’Toni spinoff strip wouldn’t be any more sustainable than one entirely devoted to Luann, or one devoted to Crystal’n’Knute. They’d get old, stale, one-note and flat so fast your head would spin.
Brad didn’t use the real-world “save” of unemployment or private ambulance/EMT employment because there’d be no conflict with the return of Ann Eiffel – and yeah, it’s based on an unrealistic premise in the first place, but it sure as hell has generated a lot of fuss, hasn’t it? Granted, a lot of that fuss was about how stupid the premise was, but fuss is fuss. It’s all about putting butts in seats – in front of the laptops.
The Old Wolf over 13 years ago
It seems rather jejune to say “Greg wants _____,” unless we happen to be telepaths. All we know for sure is what he draws, unless he tells us. Good comic strips are like mini-novels… each arc has exposition, build-up, climax, denouement and resolution. We’re heading for the climax of this one.
ReneeZimbodgi over 13 years ago
Tinyman over 13 years ago
I can imagine Brad going into the uemployment office and they ask him why he got fired and he says I brought back Anns drycleaning back and she said "you"re fired". I wonder what they going to say then.
boldyuma over 13 years ago
Ha,,Ha!..Brad just got “Eiffeld”
doverdan over 13 years ago
TJ’s plans are usually more complex than this seems..Are we missing something?
SideshowStarlet over 13 years ago
It’s the only comic I read. I’ve just always liked it. If you think it’s “Cr@p 3rd grade writing,” why on Earth are you reading the strip, let alone my in-depth comments? … I heard somewhere that the average newspaper article is written at a fourth grade reading level…
Dragoncat over 13 years ago
You’re asking the wrong person, Brad.I mean sure, TJ has some idea what could have brought that on, since it was HIS idea, after all. But let’s face it! Eventually, there’s only one person Brad should be talking to concerning his ex-boss: Bernice.
RuthTkach over 13 years ago
Good….Does the city need another Fireman????
imbaldeagle over 13 years ago
According to today’s news, North Dakota has lots of jobs and not enough people to fill them. Those with gumption enough to tolerate the winters find it’s a bonanza to move there. So, Brad, how much do you REALLY want a good job?
Cam22 over 13 years ago
Get another job.
No job is worth stayin’ in if you aint happy.
mojitobaby over 13 years ago
I think you have me confused with imbaldeagle today. Toonfan is still Toonfan as far as I know – sorry he hasn’t shown up so you can stalk him as well. And I’d rather do something constructive like write a “thesis” about a strip than the alternative, which is to spend years of your life trolling it, eaten up with jealousy because Greg won’t pay any attention to you.
P.S. Learn to spell, numpty.
mojitobaby over 13 years ago
Coaster (et al) isn’t too bright – if it were it’d at least stick with its old pattern of posting every month or so. SInce I pointed out that sockpuppet coaster was getting short shrift and jones was doing all the troll work, you can look for an increase in coaster appearances to “prove” “they” aren’t the same. If “they” weren’t, “they’d” both have kept to their individual schedules, but “they’re” busted now!
Does your “message” fit in a paper sack that can be set on fire?
valkyrieschains over 13 years ago
Seriously Brad? Toni did you a favor. Don’t pout. Go back to school, get your paramedic and be a more valuable asset to a fire department. Weenieworld is beneath you. I’d like to see Tiffany work there, though…
valkyrieschains over 13 years ago
(although I like the poster’s idea that TJ or his parents own Weenieworld and Ann will get her comeuppance…)
Faith :) about 9 years ago