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Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for October 18, 2011
Alex: Lunch was a great idea, Leo. You're going to love her... hey, what's this? Toggle: Looks like... demonstration? Protesters: We are the 99%! We are the 99%! Alex: It's the occupy people! Protesters: We'll believe corporations are people when Texas executes one! End the oligarchy now! Alex: Hell, yeah! Honk in agreement, Leo! Toggle: Uh... how m-m-many beeps is... agreement?
BE THIS GUY over 13 years ago
Well, that came out of left field.
dfowensby over 13 years ago
he had to ask, too. kill the rich in their automobiles!!! the dorks with 85 dollar megaphones have issues we must address. the rich must be confronted! down with the rich!!
cdhaley over 13 years ago
Leo is GBT’s straight man. He recognizes a good cause but he also sees its incoherence. So he asks for clear communication—-rather like demanding the password in a combat situation.I love the turn given to Romney’s lugubrious plea that “corporations are people, too.”
DylanThomas3.14159 over 13 years ago
 • Answer to Leo’s question: One to infinity. • Occupy Wall Street people HAVE NO megaphones at all. • Leo seems socially cut off, as in Asperger’s. (But I’m no shrink.)Â
BE THIS GUY over 13 years ago
I have no idea what Leo’s political leanings are. He told off a bunch of open carry guys in a coffee shop but that was done because one of the jerks insulted him. He lives in a trailer because his Mom lost the house in a subprime mortgage deal. Still, I wouldn’t be surprised if he turns out to a conservative.
thirdguy over 13 years ago
I was wondering that also Susan, but apparently not.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 13 years ago
Obviously not, baby girl, since he’s been driving everywhere all along. I myself have Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS), a rare peripheral-nervous system disorder, and I drive — carefully 2 B sure, and I have a perfect driving record with both the DMV and AAA.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 13 years ago
Didn’t you mean de-mock-ra-cy?
DylanThomas3.14159 over 13 years ago
“… evil, corporate rich daddy.” Alex is therefore a 1%-er, and therefore, since she obviously supports this dirty commie plot, is a traitor to her class. Just like FDR was.
paulproteus48640 over 13 years ago
mitt said corporations are people but more importantly so did the supreme court
roctor over 13 years ago
The answer is no beeps. It would be the equivalent to blowing you horn behind bikers in support. I recall Mitt just exclaiming he was/with the 99%.
rpmurray over 13 years ago
Strange how when the Tea Party says these things about government they’re right-wing nutjobs but when the Occupiers say these things about Wall Street they’re exercising Free Speech.
David Wolfson Premium Member over 13 years ago
@rpmurray, the Tea Party and OWS have a lot more in common than people seem to think.
bt over 13 years ago
As I recall, Alex was the driver when the two of them were in a car. Maybe he’s getting better.
Malcolm Hall over 13 years ago
Corporations are taxed like people and and therefore have a voice like, no one said they literally are people. Corporations don’t have to pay into social security and can’t collect it either.
genghis.shaman over 13 years ago
We don’t care. Honk as much or little as you want and we’ll cheer, anyway.
The funny thing is, this is exactly what my Occupy demonstration looked like. We weren’t yelling much, but we had those signs, and people honked at us when they agreed. We heard a lot of honking.
rpmurray: You can call us left-wing nutjobs. I don’t care. And we knew that Tea Partiers were exercising free speech… just with crazy and misspelled signs.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 13 years ago
THE SECOND COMING by William Butler Yeats (1920) TURNING and turning in the widening gyreThe falcon cannot hear the falconer;Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhereThe ceremony of innocence is drowned;The best lack all conviction, while the worstAre full of passionate intensity. Surely some revelation is at hand;Surely the Second Coming is at hand.The Second Coming! Hardly are those words outWhen a vast image out of Spiritus MundiTroubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desertA shape with lion body and the head of a man,A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,Is moving its slow thighs, while all about itReel shadows of the indignant desert birds. p. 347The darkness drops again; but now I knowThat twenty centuries of stony sleepWere vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
pschearer Premium Member over 13 years ago
But the crucial difference between the Tea Parties and OWS is that the Tea Parties are in favor of LESS government, while the OWS people are in favor of more and more and more.
What’s that you say? You can’t find anyone who says that? Of course not. That’s one of the problems with OWS. It is a disorganized agglomeration of viewpoints with no consistent explicit goal. But is there any doubt that the overall direction, in a sort of political Brownian movement, is to the Left?
starthrower50 over 13 years ago
Susan: No, Leo has aphasia, which is a speech disability. It doesn’t affect thinking processes.
Radical-Knight over 13 years ago
Many people don’t want to see the comparisons between Tea Party and OWS. This confirms the hypocrisy and discrimination against movemements and party because of political labeling.
lakeskegemog over 13 years ago
You call swapping derivatives “earning it”?
x666dog over 13 years ago
FYI, most Corporations are people in the form of stockholders. Just exactly do people think their retirement funds get the money to allow them to retire?
BE THIS GUY over 13 years ago
You and I agree for once. The gut feelings the Tea Party and OWS have are the same. The difference is the Tea Party was high jacked by the Koch Brothers for their own agenda.
Dtroutma over 13 years ago
TEA party folks essentially suffer “Stockholm Syndrome”. With the “financial collapse”- they say no more taxes on corporations or the rich, the very people who’ve held them captive. They are against re-regulation and the cavalry (government) riding to their rescue.
OWS is about targeting the actual bad guys, re-regulating thieves and the corporations that shafted everyone. They are for getting the cavalry to show some guts and nail the bad guys. They want to rehabilitate the fort, but not get so carried away the walls are too high and there is no gate for “the people” to find safe passage, and communicate through.
There IS a difference between the feudal castle TEA party Koch’s want, and a true fort to defend the “settlers” OWS is calling for.
progressivetexasdemocrat over 13 years ago
If you believe you’re acting in the best interest of your children by voting to move the majority of this nations wealth into the hands of 2% of it’s population, talk to me in twenty years.
BE THIS GUY over 13 years ago
Here is an email I sent to my brother regarding the TV show Two and a Half Men:
Scene: Angus Jones walks through the front door. Sees Jenny McCarthy in a bikini on the terrace. Garbles a few words, works in a hug. Picks up a check for $300,000 on the way out. Forget about Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Hollywood!
TheSpanishInquisition over 13 years ago
Love the texas line…I’m not big on protests or extremism, be they right-wing or left, but it’s fun to see some people out there with the courage to criticize the exploitative economic system for once.
robinafox over 13 years ago
Alex can’t afford to live in an apartment by herself. How rich IS rich?
apr2563 over 13 years ago
Alex should direct the demonstrators to K Street in DC. The lobbyists own our government on behalf of the oligarchs.
Uncle Joe over 13 years ago
The Tea Party & OWS share a feeling that our government is no longer looking out for them. The Tea Party thinks if we minimize government involvement in our economic affairs. Not our cultural affairs, mind you. They are all for government deciding who can marry, what religions are desirable & killing anyone who the government deems a danger to the state. How they can imagine that this will not bring us back to the Gilded Age, I don’t know.
OWS believes that BETTER government is a good thing. The Founding Fathers were very wary of the type of corporate oligarchy this country is becoming.
Kirk Sinclair over 13 years ago
@sammysock – the Tea Parties were funded and organized by right wing patrons, such as the Koch brothers (this has been documented). They consist of (usually) well-intended people who are duped by the organizers (again, documented). What’s hilarious about a Tea Party rally is how many show up with all sorts of medical equipment in tow (scooters, respirators etc) paid for by MediCare. When these people want less government, they mean less government for others, and keep your hands off MY mediCare or Social Security. Narcissists, in other words.:By contrast, from what I’ve read of the OWS rallies, the people who come to these are from a broad demographic, hardly the 60s holdovers you are describing. If you’ve got proof for your claim, I’d like to see it. I suspect it’s just stuff coming out of your own imagination that doesn’t hold up when someone challenges it.
BE THIS GUY over 13 years ago
Could you have accidentally deleted the post yourself? I had agreed with your earlier post. There was nothing conterversial or inappropriate about your post.
Liam Astle Premium Member over 13 years ago
Isn’t Alex’s family rich?
FriscoLou over 13 years ago
Don’t over think it Leo, that’s Alex’s job. Just let er rip.
I think there’s also a “What’s the matter with Kansas” aspect there too, dtroutma.