The Buckets by Greg Cravens for November 14, 2011

  1. E
    LLABDDO  over 13 years ago

    Soylent Green is people food.

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  2. Avatareddie05
    gregcartoon Premium Member over 13 years ago

    I like the ads in ‘Futurama’ for Bachelor Chow.

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  3. Anishnawbe
    Allan CB Premium Member over 13 years ago

    My former mentor, used to buy “Toquitos” in the ‘family pack’ of 80 from Costco on a Thursday. He and his wife would go away on Friday, and come home Sunday, and find the box empty in the recycling. Apparently, their 3 boys, and 1 girl, decided it would be easier to have toquitos, mac & cheese, and frozen pizza, than the lasagne or meatloaf in the fridge.

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  4. Alien images
    widgetsx3  over 13 years ago

    @ Allan VThat could be just about any day in my house. 3 teens and a 12 year old would rather eat snack foods than the real meals I cook. Although, they eat those as well. In truth, they eat everything. It is like living in a wood house with termites.

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    Comic Minister Premium Member over 13 years ago

    I wouldn’t dare eat that!

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    Number Three  over 13 years ago


    I love Sarah’s face.

    LOL xxx

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  7. Alien images
    widgetsx3  over 13 years ago

    @Hunter7Sometimes the groceries don’t make it from the store to the car. When they were little, I always stopped at the deli counter and grabbed some chicken and let them eat that while we shopped, then I could hand the empty bag to the cashier. When you’re a single Mom, working and going to school, the kids get dragged to the store. Now that they are older, I usually make one go with me to do the heavy lifting. I bought 3 pounds of grapes Saturday, by Sunday afternoon they were all gone. I have taken to hiding food in my room, if I don’t I don’t get any of the “good stuff”.

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    blather046047  over 13 years ago

    My introduction to The Buckets was a strip taped to a friend’s fridge. Toby is chasing Eddie thru the house, trying to brain him with a frying pan. Dad turns to Mom and says “I sure hope we’re a disfunctional family. I’d hate to think this is normal.” It’s been one of my favorite strips ever since.

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  9. Avatareddie05
    gregcartoon Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Quiz Time! ‘Omega Man’ was one of the film adaptations of what story?

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  10. Alien images
    widgetsx3  over 13 years ago

    @ecbostonMy oldest goes to Basic Training in February, with just him gone, my grocery bill will drop significantly. I can’t even imagine not bulk and coupon queen shopping anymore. I guess I will buy it and send it to the food bank

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