Brevity by Dan Thompson for November 10, 2011

  1. Elba 20111218 00003
    doc white  over 13 years ago

    Now thats just cold. I love it.

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  2. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member over 13 years ago

    I think Superman always plays stud poker……

    When he was first caught reading cards with his X-ray vision, the tabloids dubbed him “The Man of Stealing.”

    but I…. um….. blush to admit….. I’ve got nothing else up my sleeve cos I don’t know who that guy in the wheelchair is….

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  3. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Of course! Thanks itisme - it is me who feels silly now!

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  4. Missing large
    RonaldDavis  over 13 years ago

    Whenever you want to know how someone did something clever such as SusanSunshine did, right-click the page, and select “view source”. (The precise wording varies among browsers, but “source” is what you want.) If you don’t see the comment right away in the resulting new window, click ctrl-F (i.e. open “Find”) and type in a key word, e.g. in the above example “blush”.

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  5. Missing large
    hwcrescent  over 13 years ago

    I knew xavier, but the weirdo in the cape threw me

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  6. Missing large
    hwcrescent  over 13 years ago

    actually, it reminds me of a joke involving superman, wonder woman and the invisible man. the punchline is “I don’t know but my butt is killing me!”

     •  Reply
  7. Turnslower
    Larry Miller Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Ronald Davis, I haven’t tried it since the merger, but before that, doing what you suggest was useless. They replaced code for such things with the html and if you typed html directly, it was stripped.Dogsniff, replace the curly brackets below with angle brackets and presto, whatever the TEXT was is small.{small}TEXT{/small}

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  8. Oat   character picture
    Hussell  over 13 years ago

    How about if they line the backs of the cards with a film of lead?Thank you Dogsniff and Ronald Davis for your advice(s). Always love to learn new tricks.@Ronald Davis: You wouldn’t happen to be the Ronald Davis that worked at AEP would you?

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  9. Elguapo
    ChucklinChuck  over 13 years ago

    Custom avatar, hotlines to the artists, knowledge of all the typeface tricks, instant recall of every pun possible—with all those super powers, I bet SusanSunshine is the secret identity of Supergirl.

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  10. Me with salmon  small
    EricAlder  over 13 years ago

    Professor X could manipulate Superman’s mind and make him think he sees different cards. Or, being so-called good guys, they could just agree up front not to cheat.

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  11. Missing large
    NightOwl19  over 13 years ago

    Now we just need Gambit to enter the game – that’s when the game will really get pick up some energy.

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  12. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member over 13 years ago

    ElGuapo and MadVirgo - Yeah, yeah….. blow my cover for me, thanks.

    I’m SO very super I learned a few HTML tricks on the web (but don’t ask me to make a web page), and I can communicate with cartoonists because I’ve mastered the amazing superpower of e-mail!!

    And rOdd did draw me my very super avatar (thanks again rOdd!)…..

    But if I were really SuperComicsGirl, Superman and Xavier would answer my e-mail too…. but …..sigh…. they haven’t.

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  13. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Aaand — @Dogsniff and Ronald and Larry — sorry I always get back too late to answer questions….

    (I stay up very late and sleep late on the West Coast, so I’m way behind some of you.)

    The problem with searching in source code (aside from having to plow through all the formatting stuff like cell padding — whatever that is)

    is that website code seems much more complicated than some of the shorter “tricks” allowed here.

    For instance we don’t have to use “strong” in brackets to make bold — we just have to put asterisks at each end.

    We don’t need the code that tells the browser this will be HTML, or in what position,

    and we can type stuff like apostrophes, even though the source spells out the code for them.

    But yeah, Small font is just the word “small”, in angle brackets, at each end, turned “off” with a forward slash in the last set.

    You got it, Dogsniff!

    Italic is the same using the letter “i” instead of the word “small”.

    I merely spent some time Googling this stuff and learning from online tutorials — I actually know very little. But it’s fun!

     •  Reply
  14. Jabba
    snugharborman-catalog  over 13 years ago

    Well, I hate to just give away the powers of the Masters Of The Universe, but here’s the way these things are done (and I believe this is courtesy of “The Old Wolf” – hope I have that right; my apologies if not):Mysterious Secrets Of Go Comics

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  15. Cat29
    x_Tech  over 13 years ago

    As The Old Wolf’s Guide is a work in progress, here are some addition font codes;Subscript (sub ~)What you type: H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub><code>What we read: H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub>Superscript (sup ^)What you type: <code> C<sup>3</sup>I<code>What we read: C<sup>3</sup>IInsert (ins +)What you type: <code> This why we <ins>love</ins> fall <code>What we read: This why we <ins>love</ins> fallDelete (del -)What you type: <code> This why we –hate- love fall <code>What we read: This why we –hate- love fallSmall Text (small)What you type: <code> Hey, <small>Let's see some small text</small><code>What we read: Hey, <small>Let's see some small text</small>Big Text (big)What you type: <code> Another <big>big</big> idea <code>

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  16. Cat29
    x_Tech  over 13 years ago

    Well, that did not turn out at all well.

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  17. Cat29
    x_Tech  over 13 years ago

    As The Old Wolf’s Guide is a work in progress, here are some addition font codes;Subscript (sub ~)What you type: H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub><code>What we read: H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub>Superscript (sup ^)What you type: <code> C<sup>3</sup>I<code>What we read: C<sup>3</sup>IInsert (ins +)What you type: <code> This why we <ins>love</ins> fall <code>What we read: This why we <ins>love</ins> fallDelete (del -)What you type: <code> This why we –hate- love fall <code>What we read: This why we –hate- love fallSmall Text (small)What you type: <code> Hey, <small>Let's see some small text</small><code>What we read: Hey, <small>Let's see some small text</small>Big Text (big)What you type: <code> Another <big>big</big> idea <code>

     •  Reply
  18. Cat29
    x_Tech  over 13 years ago

    As The Old Wolf’s Guide is a work in progress, here are some addition font codes;Subscript (sub ~)What you type: H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub>What we read: H2SO4

    Superscript (sup ^)What you type: C<sup>3</sup>IWhat we read: C3I

    Insert (ins +)What you type: This why we <ins>love</ins> fall What we read: This why we love fall

    Delete (del – )What you type: This why we -hate- love fall What we read: This why we hate love fall

    Small Text (small)What you type: Hey, <small>Let's see some small text</small>What we read: Hey, Let’s see some small text

    Big Text (big)What you type: Another <big>big</big> idea What we read: Another big idea

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  19. Cat29
    x_Tech  over 13 years ago

    They say the third time’s a charm.But the first two really sucked hind #$# and I can’t delete them.So be careful when you try to format your comments.

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  20. My eye
    vldazzle  over 13 years ago

    I must try that [small]text[small]

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  21. My eye
    vldazzle  over 13 years ago

    Did not work for me (or were those the wrong brackets? Too late to look for source etc -my bedtime!

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  22. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Gee, x_tech, the first two were clear as mud. LOL!Wonder why you can’t delete them?

    Did you paste them in as formatted text? Cos none of your instructions are in the forum font, either.

    Anyway, I (sniffle) thought what was already there was enough for one day.

    After all, we have to maintain some mystery!

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  23. Sunshine   copy
    SusanSunshine Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Thanks Larry — more on today’s forum (11-11-11)

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