Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for May 04, 2003
"Nate Wrights's Teacher Ratings! Where do your teachers rate in the hall of shame?" "Note: Ratings are based on a scale of zero (worst to ten best)" "Mr. Staples (Math) '<fun'" "Today, the fascination world of...fractions!" "Rating: 2.0" "Mrs. Brindle (Life Skills)" "'A recipe for disaster'" "...and after 20 minutes, our 'johnny-cake' is done!" "Rating: 1.3" "Ms. La Chance (french)" "'Ooh la loser'" "Let the words rrrroll off your tongue!" "RAting: 0.8" "Mr. Galvin (Science)" "'Boredom=mc2'" "You don't know what I'm saying do you? Well, I don't know what I'm saying either." "Rating:1.4" "Mr. Aldridge (computer lab)" "Press 'escape'" "Wait, wait. That wasn't supposed to...okay, wait, wait." "Rating: 1.1" "Mrs. Godfrey (social studies)" "'Oh, the humanity.'" "I summon thee, hounds of Satan!" "Rating: -3,000,000" "Do you actually expect me to put this in the display case?" "Think of it as a public service!"
Feed Me Comics! almost 13 years ago
MR ROSA: 10!
MacBo0kOnHead over 7 years ago
Is that a first generation iMac?
Elvis Presley over 7 years ago
What about mr Rosa? He’s the best AND he has a masters degree.
DevilDog2001 Premium Member about 7 years ago
Mrs. LaChance is mentioned a lot, but this is the only strip she is featured in.
HollyStone over 5 years ago
DM9001 about 5 years ago
Fun Fact: The term “johnnycake” doesn’t come from the name “Johnny,” but a shortening of the word “journey.”
TheJustinator almost 5 years ago
All the ratings are less than 2. Math is the highest. (Hey, I like math! It’s my favorite subject!)
ThatManBatman almost 5 years ago
Wait, in the books doesn’t Nate like mrs.brindle
Chad Cheetah over 4 years ago
What happened to Principal Nichols?
Shroom over 4 years ago
Mr. Nichols is not white, I don’t think.
@TherealFrancisPope over 4 years ago
Some guy who has nothing better to do with hislife about 4 years ago
When I can’t play video games,”Oh the humanity”
SamuelZhao about 4 years ago
At first I thought Mrs. Godfrey was 3,000,000, not -3,000,000
hockey man almost 4 years ago
HORRIBLE ratings
hockey man almost 4 years ago
what about Mr. Rosa and Mrs. Clark?
Somnambulant almost 3 years ago
“waahh” – Mario
fizzledorp over 2 years ago
STUFF ENJOYER 10 months ago
I’m guessing art is a 9?
phryno2+ 6 months ago
Doesnt principal Nichols wear a green jacket?
Brick Friday is excited for the new gc in april 3 months ago
Not to be racist but why is principal nichols white