Frazz by Jef Mallett for December 02, 2011
Girl: So this represents my terror when I go see the shopping-center Santa this weekend. Miss Plainwell: The clown in the box is scary and unpredictable. But shopping-center Santas are everywhere and they all look the same. Girl: Shopping-center Santas are zombies?! Miss Plainwell: Sometimes I wonder if I should think twice about show-and-tell. Frazz: Right now I wonder who in Hollywood might want to hear a slam-dunk pitch.
chris_weaver about 13 years ago
Dec.25: Night of the Undead Santa!
Mstreselena about 13 years ago
Wasn’t there a Tales from the Crypt or Tales from the Darkside that involved a psycho-killer dressed as Santa? He eventually got into the house because a little girl was so happy to let Santa into their house.
GAT17 about 13 years ago
Actually, the clone idea fits more into the Ronald McDonald things but anyway…
If Santa is a man, there are only two options: Either each Christmas he come out of stasis for a couple of days then back in, or there is a line of succession.
Santa is an elf. The Santas at the mall are just men is red suits.
fritzoid Premium Member about 13 years ago
It’s been done. Check out the movie “Rare Exports” from Finland.
The REAL Santa Claus has been trapped under the permafrost for hundreds of years. All the old bearded men with red suits you see are “Santa’s Helpers”, mindless drones who carry on Santa’s unholy work above ground.
Kroykali about 13 years ago
Hope she doesn’t see “Killer Clowns From Outer Space”.
Comic Minister Premium Member about 13 years ago
Those two look almost exactly the same.
Varnes about 13 years ago
Zombie Good Will Santa: “Change…..”.
Potrzebie about 13 years ago
OK, cue “YEs Virginia there is a Santa Claus”.
Varnes about 13 years ago
Night-Gaunt, thanks for mentioning that book, it’s the best zombie Christmas book ever…(Everything Moore does is quite strange, and incredibly funny)…I advise people not to read it in a public place, though, because you WILL laugh out loud and people will stare at you like you’re a little goofy. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!
krisl73 about 13 years ago
Grinned at the Virginia joke.
lmchildress about 13 years ago
Ed Power and Melissa DeJesus, who did the comic strip My Cage, which is on GoComics, are doing a graphic novel called Dracula vs. Santa Claus…