Gil Thorp by Henry Barajas and Rachel Merrill for November 19, 2011

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    Cliff1911  over 13 years ago

    This is definitely the kid to kick Milford to an 0-10 season!

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    kdizzle  over 13 years ago

    P3 – The artist with the hand obsession has finally eliminated the necessity to include any other body parts, Must have been a big fan of Senor Wences.

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    cretta  over 13 years ago

    Panel 1. Notice Brodys shirt. He is Kid Flash and will be this teams super hero. Brody perfers footballs that have the handles for easy carriyng over those that are laced.

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    GilTherapist  over 13 years ago

    Actually Brody, the shag IS a dance. Popular in the Carolinas, but we’re gonna do it here in MILFord.

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    Snark-impaired  over 13 years ago

    It’s getting kind of late in the season—shouldn’t the playdowns be starting soon? Not that Milford will probably get in this year, since they’ve lost so many games.

    Milford must be pretty far south based on the way these kids are dressed, particularly Brody.

    Also, wouldn’t a kid with Asperger’s nowadays would have learned early on that he had problems with taking things literally—he would have been in a social skills or similar program for Aspie kids, or his parents would’ve coached him or something. I bet he wouldn’t just be learning it now as a teenager.

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  6. 2015 wku chf golf scramble
    bearwku82  over 13 years ago

    With Thanksgiving next week, don’t expect the Thorp’s to wish all of us Happy Turkey Day as a family. If so, Nowww…that would be shocking, C’mon Neal and Rod, give the readers peace of mind by telling us what’s up with the kids and dog.

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  7. Skipper
    3hourtour Premium Member over 13 years ago’s not Glee,but it will do…

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  8. Gil thorp
    chujusmith  over 13 years ago

    And notice carefully in P2 how even today the kids in Milford continue to play that fun Fall game of catch the falling leaves on your finger.

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    Cliff1911  over 13 years ago

    On Thanksgiving, a certain 0-6 football coach will give thanks for still having a JOB.

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    ldmcdog  over 13 years ago

    To follow up on Stupid Idiot’s comment—Brody is demonstrating social perceptual skills not consistent with Asperger’s Disorder.Gil needs to arrange for a second-opinion evaluation of Brody.

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  11. Milford
    miffedmax  over 13 years ago

    Brody has switched to kicking straight-on.

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    dwedding  over 13 years ago

    P3 sort of looks like Cousin “IT” from the Addams family is involved in a street brawl.

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    Mopman  over 13 years ago

    “Might as well. Can’t dance.” Huh? Why would he say that, what kind of expression is that?

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    sgoddder  over 13 years ago

    Take him to the jerry sandusky shower he will be ready toi kick and dance

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    willofark  over 13 years ago

    jterran – When you can’t dance and it’s too wet to plow, you may as well do something because you can’t or don’t have the opportunity to do anything else.

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    decten1968  over 13 years ago

    P1 – Brody is about to pull a Charlie Brown and miss the bal completely . . . the placement of his left foot must be at least two feet behind the ball.

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