Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for December 04, 2011
Eddie: I've had an epiphany. Flo: Oh, deah... I don't have time fah this, Eddie... uh...what? Eddie: Well, that's just it, Flo...I've come to realize that time doesn't exist! No othah animal in nay-chaw needs a clock to tell them when it's time to eat, drink or sleep! Time is just a contrived concept to control ahr lives...and sell clocks! It's unnatural and I choose to not have my life ruled by the tyranny of the clock anymoah!! Flo: Wow...I nevah thought of it that way... ...But I already gave last call, and it's still closin' time. Eddie: Et tu, Flo?
doc white about 13 years ago
Time dose flo.
pouncingtiger about 13 years ago
How existentialist can you get?
cleokaya about 13 years ago
Those are my least favorite words…it’s last call!
Ida No about 13 years ago
That is one active cat – different pose in every panel. Must want to be leaving pretty soon to hit that old litter box. Time to give it up, Cap’n.
chris_weaver about 13 years ago
Flo is part of the conspiracy!
sottwell about 13 years ago
The cat is always on the shoulder opposite the smelly pipe.
mjmsprt40 about 13 years ago
I’ve got to get up to Maine at least once to listen to them talk.
jreckard about 13 years ago
Time and tide wait for no Mainiac.
roctor about 13 years ago
Shots and coffee,The cat whose tone deaf to his fist slam.Flo’s patronizing quip.Just another Saturday night for Eddie.
thirdguy about 13 years ago
Interesting, last call, coffee but no refill on the shots. Flo is no dummy, she doesn’t want him falling off of the pier on the way to his boat!
GoodQuestion Premium Member about 13 years ago
Yeah, looks like the good Cptn is already three shots in the wind . . . ☻
AltrinchamMike about 13 years ago
Timely advise. Where is the sundial when you need it!!!
Samskara about 13 years ago
Perhaps Cap’n Eddie should stop over at the 9 Chickweed Lane strip and find out what time it is in ballet time — it might make him reconsider his feelings on the subject.
RonBerg13 Premium Member about 13 years ago
Don’t quit now Eddie!
jpsomebody about 13 years ago
Last call! I’m turning off the telephone.At least that is what my daughter keeps saying.
Defective about 13 years ago
It’s only a paraphrase if he was referring to closing time in any way. He wasn’t. He was referring to Lunch Time, so it’s actually a misquote, not a paraphrase.
tripwire45 about 13 years ago
I’m surprised Eddie can pronounce “epiphany”.
Commentator about 13 years ago
Dogsniff is the new Marge…?
gmorse76 about 13 years ago
It’s true; time really doesn’t exist. It’s a construct of the human mind. All that exists are entities in motion. There are things, and they move around. That’s it. We invented the concept of time.
LingeeWhiz about 13 years ago
There aren’t.
celeconecca about 13 years ago
tyranny of the clock only exists when we want it to
APersonOfInterest about 13 years ago
While it may be true that “time” is a human construct, it is far from being “arbitrary” … “time” is our way of measuring existence. We are born, we live, we die. “Time” is the name we give to what passes between those posts … that beginning and that end. When Dr. Albert Einstein spoke of time, he was not addressing a “word” … he was considering existence.
TheSpanishInquisition about 13 years ago
Can’t wait until Tea Partiers start denouncing the “Law” of gravity as big-gummint regulation, and they see fit to all jump off the Capitol dome to prove its worthlessness.
Ernest Lemmingway about 13 years ago
I don’t think Cap’n Eddy has heard, “Time is objective.” As in, “Last call is highly objectionable.”
Miserichord about 13 years ago
Possibly because there are so many guns?
Mutual Assured Destruction is not only for governments.
A few armed individuals can tyrannize a large number of unarmed individuals.
Many armed individuals can tell a proto-tyrant to stuff it.
bmonk about 13 years ago
♪Closing time, one last call for alcohol
♪So finish your whiskey or beer
♪Closing time, you don’t have to go home
♪But you can’t stay here
. . .
♪Closing time, time for you to go out
♪To the places you will be from
♪Closing time, this room won’t be open
♪Till your brothers or your sisters come
♪So gather up your jackets, move it to the exits
♪I hope you have found a friend . . . ♪
bluskies about 13 years ago
That’s why one of my clocks is still set to DST. (that, and the fact that it’s a pain in the butt to reset, I’m retired, and it doesn’t really matter to me what time it is when I’m in the bathroom).
Destiny23 about 13 years ago
^ Which raises the question: why do you have a clock in the bathroom if you don’t care what time it is?!
Hunter7 about 13 years ago
Between the clocks on the TV, VCR, computer, wristwatch, clockradio, alarm clock, cell phone. iTouch, wall clock, microwave oven…. You would think at least two of them would match? NOT.Which only proves one thing. Entire universes exist between the moments in time, thus making all the clocks out of sync.
SpudUt about 13 years ago
The mechanical clock was invented in the 15th century by monks to enable their prayer vigil. As a result their invention allowed ‘society’ to clock their workers and everyone else in the societal scheme of things and further the advance of capitalism – the most positive influence on early America until the American capitalistic system was destroyed ultimately about 2008.
Can't Sleep about 13 years ago
Maybe it’s because I come from a long line of bartenders, but I knew where this was going the moment Cap’n Eddie said “time doesn’t exist.”Last call waits for no man (or woman).
celeconecca about 13 years ago
change want to need