Frazz by Jef Mallett for December 16, 2001
"I heard you ate pig guts once, Frazz. Was it a dare?" "They're called chitlins, and no." "I ate them when I was visiting my old roommate's family in the deep south." "See, the best way to get to know a culture is to try the food." "So when I travel, I eat adventurously." "I learned a lot about Malaysia over a durian." "I survived vegemite in Australia." "If I ever get to Scotland, you better believe I'll try haggis." "Why this new interest in my diet?" "Because Mrs. Olsen brought in a fruitcake, and Meg and I have a bet." "Okay, the teachers' lounge kitchenette is not 'travel.'"
doctorwho29 about 12 years ago
No it isn’t
aardvark86au over 8 years ago
The one time I tried haggis, it just seemed to be slightly greasy savory mince, and I’m an Aussie so Vegemite holds no terror for me, but I can’t say that I was impressed with durian even just as an ice cream flavouring – it stank.
PBSherm over 5 years ago
You survived durians? Nice work dude
feefers_ about 1 year ago
Haggis is very nice. I speak as a proud Scot