Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for November 18, 2011
Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling Billy Dare Boy Adventurer with Quentin in SMUGGLERS' CAPE Ch. VILXX: "Into the Uncanny Valley!" Billy is on the trail of the evil Dr. Mordu, when - Billy: Criminey! A NOTE! Billy Dare - Meet me in the Uncanny Valley. - Zmekberg Billy: Golly, he's the famous movie director! Billy: I'm looking for the Uncanny Valley. Man: It's down this road, but ya don't wanna go there, lad. Billy: Why not? Man: It's a hideous place, and some say it's where the undead live. Billy: Ha, ha. The superstitious old fool! Billy: This place looks so strange! Villain: Ah, Billy Dare. So nice of you to come into my domain. Billy; Augh! Villain: Horrible, isn't it? This is the place where the design of the human form becomes unspeakably creepy. Billy: NO! Villain: You see, as a representation becomes more human-like, it becomes more appealing to the human eye. Villain: But just as it becomes VERY realistic-looking, it bottoms out. Villain: It looks ALMOST human, but not quite, creating a disturbing sensation. Billy: Yech! Villain: If it is a perfect replica, it becomes appealing again, but THIS is the DEAD ZONE between! Villain: You'll never escape! You've been motion-CAPTURED! Billy: NO! NEXT: Billy escapes from the valley, but does he go TOO FAR over the mountain? Villain: come back to the valley! We're too abstract!
Richard Howland-Bolton Premium Member over 13 years ago
Mori lives!! (according to the Anglo-Nipo-Latin Society)
3hourtour Premium Member over 13 years ago
..mmm,I thought it was goigng to be a Happy Valley take off…
mercmarc over 13 years ago
Is the uncanny valley where republicans find their presidential hopefuls?
Matthew Davis over 13 years ago
Exactly what I thought about when I first saw a preview for the Tintin movie.
Tommy1733 over 13 years ago
This is the creepiest TDB I have ever seen.
jpozenel over 13 years ago
Jerry O’Connell was who first come to my mind.
aardvarkseyes over 13 years ago
Kudos, Ruben! This is a fully understandable explanation of a tricky concept, and it’s funny. Nicely done.
cub over 13 years ago
this is a good example of the uncanny valley, but the tintin movie doesn’t look (intentionally) crappy like this— the character design is more of a 3d realization of 2d characters in the same way an action figure coexists with its counterpart. i find it no creepier than toy story or robot chicken.
Wazzelbe about 13 years ago
No! Not THAT valley! The OTHER valley!