Grand Avenue by Mike Thompson for November 20, 2011

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    Gator007  over 13 years ago

    A day without sunshine.

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  2. Nebulous100
    Nebulous Premium Member over 13 years ago

    It’s easy to make room in the freezer.Once you realize that all you have to do is take out the ice cream, and properly ‘dispose’ of the the ice cream. You might want to plan ahead and get an extra jar of fudge sauce.

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    sfreader1  over 13 years ago

    Put the turkey in the refrigerator to thaw out. Leaves more space in the freezer for the rest of whatever.

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    Comic Minister Premium Member over 13 years ago

    This is going to be hard Kate.

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    JoePhan  over 13 years ago

    Yes. Cool tap water works just fine; no need to use hot water and risk getting the outside too warm while the middle’s still frozen. For best results, leave the drain slightly open and the water running just fast enough to keep the water level even; cold water sinks, meaning that the coldest water goes down the drain, and the (slightly) warmer water defrosts the turkey quicker.

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