Grand Avenue by Mike Thompson for January 06, 2012
I propose that we all make a New Year's resolution to watch less TV and spent more time reading in 2012! Think of it as passing a joint resolution, y'know, sort of like they do in Congress. Your proposal has been defeated by a vote of 2 to 1. Y'know, sort of like they do in Congress.
Pharmakeus Ubik about 13 years ago
Apparently their unaware that they don’t get the vote until 18.
Nebulous Premium Member about 13 years ago
They missed the point. Granny needed a 2/3 majority to bring the proposal to a vote. She didn’t have it.Why bother voting against something if you can just ignore it until it goes away? Or blows up in your face? Something like that.
SteveAz about 13 years ago
They also forget they don’t live in a democracy in the house. Granny is the ruler of the place
Nortley about 13 years ago
Crop out the middle line of the middle panel.
grapefroot about 13 years ago
don’t bogart the joint – pass it
Comic Minister Premium Member about 13 years ago
I guess it may not work Kate.
MelvinLott about 13 years ago
Hey Granny! I watched a couple of neighborhood kids passing a joint the other day. I think they were resolved a bit, too. The police, on the other hand….
chris_weaver about 13 years ago
Democracy in action!