Endtown by Aaron Neathery for January 16, 2012

  1. Pib130828 eyebrow cocked
    bikenboatn  about 13 years ago

    Mutts are not so dumb…

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  2. Tartan colorado
    oranaiche  about 13 years ago

    Waitaminute … Petey has two propellers? Have we seen the feet-prop before?

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  3. Idano
    Ida No  about 13 years ago

    “Dumb MUTT” is an expression of anger directed at something that just won’t stop unflinchingly chasing you through the ruins and across the wastes . It’s not actually a reflection on how smart or not they are.

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  4. Docrat logo avatar
    Jenner Premium Member about 13 years ago

    Ouch. Petey gets grabbed by the mutts.

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  5. Lh 50
    Level_Head  about 13 years ago

    Yes, that bottom propeller’s been seen But to grab him right there’s rather mean The mutts had a good plan Let their bits hit the fan Petey, though, doesn’t think it’s too keen And the rocket now climbs out of sight With its deadly payload on the flight There are no guns but one (Is that still on stun?) And are they still frozen with fright? It’s a liquid-fuel rocket, I’d guess For the visible flame is much less Than the solids produce A punctured “caboose” Would quickly make that ship a mess =|====/ Level Head Vote for Endtown 2.0 And for Doc Rat, too The Endtown Forum

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  6. Missing large
    boreas2  about 13 years ago

    so all they have left now is to get linda to help them stop the rocket somehow

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  7. Rori poster
    SapphireDragonStudios  about 13 years ago

    Somehow I think the only one who has a real chance of stopping the rocket at this point is Petey. Even if the others grabbed their guns (and Flask’s is too far for her to get to in time), I think they wouldn’t be able to do enough damage to the rocket with the guns alone.

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  8. Docrat logo avatar
    Jenner Premium Member about 13 years ago

    Technical point on the artwork: The dramatic perspective is superb. The sense of the rocket’s movement and Pete’s arrest works exactly as the story intends. The lighting and shading in the first panel show a bright glow at the launch origin, as well as an optically perfectly positioned shadow behind the transporter. Realistic draftsmanship and cartoon robots are blended seamlessly. I really do admire this.

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  9. Me
    aneathery  about 13 years ago

    The Endtown mini-comic that I produced for Comicpalooza 2011 is now available to YOU for the offensively low price of $2.50 (price includes s&h, international add $1 for each copy ordered ). Besides sporting a snazzy full color cover, it contains an all-new 22 page story that is available nowhere else. And just because I feel like doing it, I’ll sign and personalize (if desired) each and every copy I mail out. Simply pay via PayPal using my email address, aaronneathery@gmail.com, and be sure to include your mailing address. If you can’t pay with PayPal, send payment to:Aaron NeatheryPO Box 920558Houston, TX 77292And, just so you know, I’m completely open to donations. The cat and mouse that live in my head will thank you. :-).. and original Endtown art is still for sale. Contact me for details @ aaronneathery@gmail.com

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  10. Penguins
    DADOF3  about 13 years ago

    So is this where “Rule Three” (ironically named) comes into play? To quote Flask: “The success of this mission is more important than any of you.” Does this mean Petey is left to the mutts while the others try to find a way to stop the rocket? At this point the only place to stop that rocket is the control room.

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  11. Hct
    Herb Thiel Premium Member about 13 years ago

    Unless Petey is rocket propelled himself, or has a built in rocket launcher (he was designed by Mallard, so he might have anything), he’s got nothing to stop it with, even if he didn’t have his present worries.

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  12. Deficon
    Coyoty Premium Member about 13 years ago

    Petey looks sort of like a rocket. I wonder if Mallard built any jets in that body.

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  13. Img 0980
    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 13 years ago

    i wonder what it was that Flask did in the control room. was it part of the topsiders diversion. of does Face have an ace in the hole?

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  14. Missing large
    boreas2  about 13 years ago

    it probably was …only mutts there and even flask was surprised

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  15. Oddericon
    OdderOtter  about 13 years ago

    Ok, technical stuff, maybe. (coming off a double shift, tired. ) That rocket is accelerating. It may start slow, but soon it is going multiples of sound speed. If released now Petey may not be able to catch it. Petey is air propulsion dependent. The rocket is not. The rockets upper limit on speed, distance, altitude, etc is not limited by the air, but by its fuel (and oxidizer) load. So, for the sake of the story, I want to explore the leg of time where the rocket goes to orbit. They can (eventually) counter fire. They can try to blind it with lasers. They can do better camouflage, and decoys. Did that large people destroying multi core cannon like thing (or sports stadium lights like thing) survive? I doubt it, but point that thing up and see if it works. Or order an immediate attack on the ground data collection and analysis equipment and people. It might not be suicide?

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  16. Mapper
    Mapper2  about 13 years ago

    Petey has a about 30 seconds before that thing hits mach. At which point, no propellered machine can achieve. Sooo it looks like Linda just became a valued member of the team, and she may get to see her child one final time.

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  17. Penguins
    DADOF3  about 13 years ago

    Once the device is in orbit (assuming for a moment that it actuall is a satellite) They (Endtown) does not have the technology to shoot it down. Their weapons (assuming they have the range (which is doubtful given their limited power supplies) are all visually targeted. They do not have radar capability. It would be comparable to me trying to shoot a satellite with a high powered rifle. The target is moving at such a high rate of speed (orbital velocity is around 18,000 mph) that trying to target an intercept visually from the ground is almost impossible. Hitting such a target with a beam of light (laser) is easier, but generating enough power for that beam to cause damage is tough. That’s why most viable anti-satellite weapons are space based. If they are going to do anything to affect this rocket, it will have to be with TS technology and will be best accomplished from wherever the satellite is being controlled. BTW Sparkplug’s Apex 3171 Mk II was destroyed in the collapse of Hillside.

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  18. Avatar
    wynot  about 13 years ago

    It looks to me like Petey tried to lift with aft propeller, the mutts grabbed it, stopped it, and became entangled, Petey having started up his front propeller and begun dragging them.

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  19. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  about 13 years ago

    Those mutts are in for the ride of their lives. I wonder if any of them remember whether or not they’ve ever been afraid of heights…

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  20. Penguins
    DADOF3  about 13 years ago

    Aaron commented prevoiusly about the weight of the mutts. Petey is good, but his speed is due to the fact that he’s so light. He may have the oomph to get that many mutts airborne, but he ain’t going anywhere fast.

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  21. Skipper
    3hourtour Premium Member about 13 years ago

    ..if I remember correctly,the topsiders have the wrong place marked for endtown…

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  22. Rock house 03b
    RockHouse  about 13 years ago

    I wonder if Flask can get to her zero gun and fire it to clear Petey of the mutts.

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  23. 12715795 1687404154857678 2837000469255977222 n
    bobguthrie  about 13 years ago

    Jenner, I see what you did there >=)

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