Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for December 16, 2011
Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling FOX NEWS Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer Rudolph: Hi, guys! Can I play? Coach: Not with that nose! Rudolph: B-but Christmastown law says that while on public property, EVERYONE has to be included! Coach: Christmastown was founded by toy-making elves and BLACK-NOSED reindeer, you FREAK! O'Icy: Certain radical elements are trying to RUIN REINDEER GAMES by disallowing our tradition of black-nosed flying trials! FOX NEWS THE WAR ON REINDEER GAMES THE O'ICY FACTOR O'Icy: Worse, there are ELVES who think they can practice secular dentistry just because the elf workshop is a government building! FOX NEWS THE WAR ON TOY-MAKING THE O'ICY FACTOR Rudolph: Let's go, Hermey! We're misfits! Hermey: People who are DIFFERENT aren't welcome here in Christmastown! Rudolph: Santa! Hermey: Are you here on Christmas Eve to tell us there's a place for us in Christmastown after all? Santa: Ho, ho, ho! No, the Spirit of Christmas has ALWAYS been about marginalizing outsiders and minority peoles! Rudolph: But it's so FOGGY tonight! Can't I help? Santa: Nah< I deliver toys by DRONE now anyway! MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM FOX NEWS!
wilburgarrod about 13 years ago
FOX the death of the man in red.
V-Beast about 13 years ago
They just keep droning on and on.
Sharon D Duke about 13 years ago
Glorious! Beautiful! Brings a tear to me eye. applause
autumnfire1957 about 13 years ago
I don’t care how you spin it, that show sucks and I still refuse to watch it.
fritzoid Premium Member about 13 years ago
“you are the second biggest jackass ive seen today”
Did you see the first while you were shaving?
pschearer Premium Member about 13 years ago
As long as Fox News is the most active voice on TV for limited government, lower taxes, reduced regulation, and freedom in general, I’m all with them. But once they start on the Christian thing, they have rejected me and I am against them.
Pharmakeus Ubik about 13 years ago
He would have preferred Rudolph the Red State Reindeer.
Wazzelbe about 13 years ago
“Have a Bolly, Jolly…”“Have a Trolly, Jolly…”“WE’RE GOING LIVE! F*CK IT! Have a holly, jolly Christmas!”Thanks for not including the Samsquanch. Guy’s scary.