FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for February 03, 2012
Narrator: With the timer of the armageddon device down to a fraction of a second, Secret Agent Fox must make a quick decision! Man: Which of these 173 wires do I cut? Narrator: With a mind admired by Nobel Laureates and swimsuit models alike, our hero is keenly aware that the wrong choice will put a swift end to this story! Seeing as playing red won me that billion in Monte Carlo last weekend... Andy: (Sob) Nooooooooo! Roger: But he cut the right one.
legaleagle48 almost 13 years ago
That’s why she’s crying, Roger!
Templo S.U.D. almost 13 years ago
Sheesh. It’s {{{{ALWAYS}}}} the red wire! Why never the green, yellow, white or even the (just saying) periwinkle wire?
KenTheCoffinDweller almost 13 years ago
Because in most electrical coding schemes around the world red is usually a return line and so you can break the circuit and not get zapped like picking the black or blue would tend to do since they are normally the “Hot” wire in a circuit.
Nachikethass almost 13 years ago
‘Agent Fox’ lost his hair in the second panel!
Wren Fahel almost 13 years ago
No, not the wed one! Don’t ever press the wed one!!!
Kevin Jordan almost 13 years ago
Cut the red one?? They’re all red!!!
TashaNC almost 13 years ago
Doctor11 almost 13 years ago
Will the madness NEVER end?!
DragonLDS almost 13 years ago
Hahahaha, that’s messed up! She wanted the hero to die, LOL.
2252895 almost 13 years ago
When will this end?
DerkinsVanPelt218 almost 13 years ago
Sean Connery stopped a bomb right on the counter’s “007”. What makes Agent Fox so special for defusing a bomb?
*Pearlshimmer* almost 13 years ago
Lol. She’s crying because it’s so awful.
Meowy_Sparkles over 2 years ago
I’m with you Andy, the actual novel was terrible.