Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for January 03, 2012

  1. Pib130828 eyebrow cocked
    bikenboatn  about 13 years ago

    Way to go. Put him into a “no-win” scenario. Good way to score points.

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  2. Schnail
    whayle  about 13 years ago

    I think she is paranoid about Tiffany because Tiffany always sank her claws into Aaron. I am not sure Tiff honestly ever REALLY liked Aaron. She liked that he was often a challenge, and she LOVED that it drove Luann to the brink when she flirted with him. Tiffany often lied about going out with Aaron, and Luann couldn’t prove it. Even though Luann is being silly by not jumping into something with Quill, she does have every reason for being leery of her arch nemisis. Especially since Tiff “saw him first”.

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  3. Pib130828 eyebrow cocked
    bikenboatn  about 13 years ago

    I’m very much a live, breathing human being, thank you very much.

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  4. Th  chihuahua avatar
    barbarasbrute  about 13 years ago

    Would somebody please let that baby boy post first, so he can quit worrying about it. Has he ever made a comment about the strip? Or just wanting to be the first poster? LOL. Poor little Baby.

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  5. Wcfields1
    DaJellyBelly  about 13 years ago

    “Wise beyond his years” is a phrase that very aptly describes Quill. And Luann is seemingly neurotic beyond belief. Right now Quill is somewhat bemused by Luann’s comments. But, if Luann continues to act and think this way. The possibility of their having a deeper relationship is questionable.

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  6. Peter cooke   hood
    Ottodesu  about 13 years ago

    OK, one of the endearing things about this strip is how we oldies can see our experiences from sixteen onwards reflected and repeated throughout our lives.It may be a gender thing (apologies if not), but I think that many women paint themselves into a corner with such no-win scenario (as per BikeNBoatN).Lately I have moved on from relationships or avoided starting them as soon as I hear that looped logic. ("All Men are bastards, given time 

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  7. Civil defense symbol
    firedome  about 13 years ago

    luann’s shooting herself in the foot.

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  8. 318346 10150515659374989 119105629988 11258985 63388929 n
    Airman  about 13 years ago

    Were females impossible to understand, even at 16 or 17? Probably.

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  9. Missing large
    Pink_Belle  about 13 years ago

    Aww, poor Quill. Way to go, Lu.

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  10. Missing large
    Bashis  about 13 years ago

    Oh my what a pleasure she must be to have a conversation with.

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  11. 03207
    Bill the Butcher  about 13 years ago

    Why is being the “number one spot” so important to you? What prize do you expect to get out of it? I find your thought processes more interesting than this vapid plot line, so it’s a legitimate question. Please answer it.

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  12. Missing large
    ZacBSM  about 13 years ago

    Oh, Luann. This just takes the cake. You’re trying to trip up Quill. You just might. He will figure you are not worth it and walk away. Nobody likes a neurotic – except maybe Gunther. You are giving Tiffany too much credit. She is not such a femme fatale. She just knows how to push your buttons – that’s all and you let her. Grow a backbone and put Tiffany in her place and trust Quill. I know, I know. I was once a teenage girl – trusting a guy is just not in a teenage girl’s emotional makeup.

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  13. W12
    chris_weaver  about 13 years ago

    Challenge accepted!

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  14. Thinker
    Sisyphos  about 13 years ago

    Luann is committing romanticide by her obsession with the Tiffster.

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  15. Missing large
    ladyzeeba  about 13 years ago

    Oh just grab her and plant a big juicy kiss on her.

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  16. Missing large
    Chuck373  about 13 years ago

    Give it time? Did it ever take any time? Tiff can’t afford to have her effect on a guy to take time. That’s when you start to notice all of the flaws. If she doesn’t hook you right from the start, she is not going to.

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  17. Cm1
    Mordock999  about 13 years ago

    Very SOON, Tiffany will pop up and REGAL Luann with TORRID Tales of what She and Mr. Oz did during THEIR L.A. jaunt, causing Luann to have even MORE Mistrust of Quill.

    And the BEAT goes On!

    On a LIGHTER Note, I wonder if Ann Effiel has “accidently” shoved TJ into the Deep-Fryer yet and SERVED Him up as ‘Todays Special’?

    I need COFFEE

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  18. D11s01ep00 wal 01 matt smith
    Doctor11  about 13 years ago

    Quill is having WAY too much fun messing with Luann’s mind. inserts evil grin here

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  19. Oldwolfcookoff
    The Old Wolf  about 13 years ago

    @BilltheButcher: As Mojitobaby said. However, this is a common phenomenon on many fora, particularly those frequented by denizens of the intellectual diatomaceous ooze, as it were. There seems to be a fixation with being the first one to make a comment on any given posting. If this is what people pin their self-worth on, you can only imagine how desolate the landscape of their lives must be.

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  20. Oldwolfcookoff
    The Old Wolf  about 13 years ago

    Poor Luann. She suffers so. Quill sees right through Tiffany, and it surprises me that he’s actually interested in the eponymous heroine of the strip. In Real Life, that school would be full of girls of all sorts – and I’d think Quill would be attracted to one who was much more substantial than Tiff, but much more self-confident and grounded than Luann. But that’s where the story is going, so I’m along for the ride.

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  21. Ca411d48 e35e 4a21 b058 f79259484708
    Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML   about 13 years ago

    Hey Quill
 take note
 Luann’s behavior is just a sample of the way she would treat her man if/when she would eventually settle down with a mate
 not the best way to spend the rest of your life, never being trusted, always defending yourself
 always doubting and second guessing your intentions
. take it from me
 it’s hell

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  22. Missing large
    Nikonranger  about 13 years ago

    Susan,I think your reading skills are at fault, not texans math.

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  23. 318346 10150515659374989 119105629988 11258985 63388929 n
    Airman  about 13 years ago

    Top of my list shows 38 comments, but I only counted 31

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  24. Missing large
    Greg Johnston  about 13 years ago

    Luann has created a no-win for herself, and for Quill. She doesn’t believe she will succeed with Quill, and she projects that onto him. It’s the Kobyashi Maru scenario for Quill. The girl he does like won’t let herself enjoy him or trust him.

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  25. Yankee logo
    YankeeFan56  about 13 years ago

    Yes. Recently someone was always trying to be the first one to comment on the daily Luann strip, and this morning that person got pretty agitated when their comment wasn’t the first one. I am usually up around the strip’s ‘posting time’ so I saw some comments that appear to have either been deleted or hidden. It was childish.

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  26. Imagescaiw0lwc
    imbaldeagle  about 13 years ago

    Whattaya all mean? Q&L are still in the “dance of attraction”. They’re in “friendship plus” mode and can’t quite bring themselves to step up to the next level. It will probably take some crisis to establish a relationship. But we don’t know whether Greg Evans is serious about these two, or if this is merely another developmental step in the life of a teenage girl.

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  27. Martini 800
    mojitobaby  about 13 years ago

    You literally didn’t miss anything, except a day-late dollar-short troll who keeps insisting he’s first to post. And when his time and his sorry ass is beat by BikeNBoatN, he tries to save face by claiming she’s a ‘bot, because otherwise he would be first. .I’m sure this is a sad and much-used template for his life thus far.

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  28. Missing large
    roderickyoung  about 13 years ago

    Luann has put the Kobayashi Maru scenario on Quill. This is actually more common in real life than in comics. I know one girl who got furious at her boyfriend for something he said in her dream.

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  29. Twiggy2
    Mr. Tinkles  about 13 years ago

    Aussies can’t be trusted, sorry.

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  30. Mighty mouse
    Mighty_Mouse  about 13 years ago

    Most guys would say that they have been (or are) in relationships with this kind of “crazy making woman” 
Guys are dumb but women are crazy.

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  31. Mighty mouse
    Mighty_Mouse  about 13 years ago

    Quill is the coolest character in the strip.

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  32. Martini 800
    mojitobaby  about 13 years ago

    Teenagers in general, let alone girls, are usually bundle of insecurities with a side of hormonal crazy, which is why Luann and Quill acting like jaded 40 year olds who’ve been in the dating-go-round forever and are gun-shy of being hurt yet again doesn’t ring true for me. 16/17 year olds are supposed to be illogical and live for the moment – Greg nailed it with Bernice’s infatuation with Zane. Putting on the brakes with Quill lets him depict her insecurities in all their glory, but it’s an annoying and artificial way to showcase it.

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  33. Im strong to the finish popeye kitty demotivational posters 1305218544
    Grouse7  about 13 years ago

    this is just a comic strip
not real life!

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  34. 318346 10150515659374989 119105629988 11258985 63388929 n
    Airman  about 13 years ago

    I would suspect that Luann’s main audience is not teenagers, but people over 40 recognizing and reliving their own screwed up youth. These “kids” are really 30+ folks, single and insecure, and hiding in a teenage world.

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  35. Hatcat
    wiselad  about 13 years ago

    I prefer to live with Mojitobaby than with you

    Respectfully yours


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  36. 08 6
    tegm  about 13 years ago

    pfft Luann grow a backbone! Don’t tell a guy you think he’s gonna fall for some other girl!

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  37. 20141112 192913
    Aladar30 Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Poor Luann, so insecure.

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