Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for January 10, 2012

  1. Pib130828 eyebrow cocked
    bikenboatn  about 13 years ago

    Well, at least she wasn’t a go-fer, after all.

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  2. Schnail
    whayle  about 13 years ago

    What da heck is a lighting stand in?

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    Airman  about 13 years ago

    Unlike Luann, Tiffany is happy. You go, girl. No therapy needed for this babe.

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  4. Treeoflife
    Tardarian9  about 13 years ago

    Tech notes here: A lighting stand in is a person hired to spend hours a day standing in one spot while the stage crew adjusts the lighting to the directors will. It’s cheaper than having the actor standing there bored for hours.

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    Airman  about 13 years ago

    And what did you do over Christmas vacation, oh cynical Crystal……get a dragon tattoo at Count Dracula’s Castle?

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    smsrt  about 13 years ago

    Nah BikeNBoat, she was a NO-fer.

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    markbrowningmilner  about 13 years ago

    in the movie “love, actually” one of the cuter stories concerns nude lighting stand-ins.

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    kbyrdleroy123  about 13 years ago

    I don’t think SAG rules deem she’s important enough to be listed in the credits.

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  9. Gulda fix1
    Crumbucket  about 13 years ago

    Give her some credit for being the splendid self-delusional — dare I say? — blonde that she epitomizes.

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  10. Civil defense symbol
    firedome  about 13 years ago

    very well placed spoonerizing, there.

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  11. Hatcat
    wiselad  about 13 years ago

    here comes Coffee girl to save the day………………………. with cosmetics as her weapons, and driven by the power of caffeine, she is always ready to fight her arch-enemy, the frogster………. along with the help of her butler/sidekick, the Mordock-man

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  12. Martini 800
    mojitobaby  about 13 years ago

    Nope, even on a small film, Best Boys aren’t gofers. Gofers don’t coordinate the crew, interact with other depts, load and place equipment, plan the lighting or rigging locations, etc.

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    JerryTheK  about 13 years ago


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    Chuck373  about 13 years ago

    Tomorrow, Tiff will probably admit that her part is uncredited. Either that, or she will have gone to class and decide to bend Luann’s ear. About the movie or Quill or maybe both. At least Luann won’t see through her bravado so easily.

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  15. Capture
    Rockabore  about 13 years ago

    Well, given how Hollywood works and upstarts have a difficult time, networking and working as a go-fer and lighting stand-in would be a good thing as a start just to get your name around; but obviously since this is Luann-verse, and this is Tiffany; those things are just an opportunity for Crystal, Tiffany’s “friend”, to be a complete jerkass to her as usual.

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    JerryTheK  about 13 years ago


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  17. Mongo
    Mongo  about 13 years ago

    Any bets she gets a call from Hollywood?

    “You were perfect for a lighting model, but not much else.”

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  18. Cm1
    Mordock999  about 13 years ago

    And JUST What’s WRONG with being a “COFFEE Girl”, little ‘Missy’?!?

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  19. D11s01ep00 wal 01 matt smith
    Doctor11  about 13 years ago

    Boy, Tiff is DEFINITELY in denial.

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    tigre1  about 13 years ago

    Corporate entertainment is probably the most competitive biz there is. And maybe its entry requirements are the future…

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  21. My eye
    vldazzle  about 13 years ago

    @Mojito & Rockabore, I was going to say, so her bright yellow hair etc have served a purpose, and yes, the hair in my avatar looks yellow but those highlights are only from the mesh of metallic soutache braid net I made for my cauls which are covered by my own hair (I save trimmings to get perfect match in my costumes).

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    Spode  about 13 years ago

    At least Tiffany isn’t pissing and moaning.

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    Kadedee  about 13 years ago

    Question: Does anyone know of a site one can read and also comment on the comic strips: Rex Morgan, Judge Parker, and Mary Worth?

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    Airman  about 13 years ago

    Tiff is like that song from “How to Succeed….”. “I Believe in Me.” She’s a babe, and anyone who says she’s not is a liar.

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    cwkrrk  about 13 years ago

    Have to say, I’m starting to like Tif’s attitude toward life vs. Crystal or Luann. She remains positive in the face of adversity, sees potential in even small steps, is generally happy. While our heroine of the strip is negative, lacks in self confidence, and is generally down on herself and all those around her. Hmm, which would you rather be?

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    rshive  about 13 years ago

    Tiffany is without question delusional. And Luann is much more “normal”, whatever that is.

    But I sort of wonder how each might react if they got a break. Would Tiff, believeing it was due her all along,really shine? And would Luann, filled with self-doubt, flub the opportunity?

    Many of us want badly to believe that the decent, self-effacing person will ultimately triumph over the shameless self-promoter. It can (and often does) happen. But there’s nothing engraved in stone that says it must.

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    eocene82  about 13 years ago

    Crystal sure is an awful friend. It’s like her sole purpose in life is to shame and belittle Tiffany any time Tiffany shows any excitement or ambition. If your friend went to LA to work on a movie, wouldn’t you be happy for her regardless of what she did or didn’t do? Getting to participate in a motion film is a big deal for a teenage girl, even if it’s a seemingly small role- that’s how you work your way up and make connections. But no, nothing will ever make Crystal say something genuinely supportive or positive, she’s just there to bring everyone down.

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    Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML   about 13 years ago

    Ya know… all-in-all Tiff is displaying a quality that a large percentage of teenagers are missing this day and age… positive outlook, optimism, sense of worth and value… especially when apparent stellar opportunity as presented ended in somewhat disapointment.

    I can see Luann, in Tiffs shoes, being totally devastated and withdrawn to the point of questioning what little sense of self value she has in herself as a “normal” teen… Tiff may be a little bit (lol) conceited and materialistic, but she definitely displays a high sense of value and positive outlook in her personal potential, despite the latest “pothole” in her road to fame and fortune….

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    dfowensby  about 13 years ago

    YO evans dude: dump this tedious blabber and let’s get back to tj & ann!

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    rshive  about 13 years ago

    After I wrote that I realized that the political world is loaded with shameless self-promoters. Maybe even defined by them.

    One of the nice things about the comics world is that you can look at real human traits in pen-and-ink characters and anlyze them. Without necessarily having the messiness of dealing with real people. I kinda think that Chrystal’s trying to show Tiff the light ; but Tiff isn’t much interested. Good? - bad?- who knows?

    Hope you didn’t drink the coffee after you snorted it.

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    Kathe  about 13 years ago

    As Tiffany is one who, for the most part, seems to be happy with herself…….Luann is one who is full of self-pity. Lu is lucky she has a few friends who stick by her. It can get very tiresome to be around someone who is always complaining.

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  32. Oldwolfcookoff
    The Old Wolf  about 13 years ago

    Look at how long it took for Brad to come out of his shell. For years he was the consummate worthless good-ol-boy, grease monkey and couch potato. No, he’s not ready to be translated yet, but he’s come a long, long way. Luann’s a bit younger. Give her time, and I think we’ll see Greg take her in new and exciting directions. As for Tiff… my take is that she’s not happy. She puts on a good front, but people that self-absorbed are generally hurting very badly inside.

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    NightOwl19  about 13 years ago

    I think it’s pretty cool that Tiffany could be part of the movie-making experience, and it seems like she had a good time with even a small role. Plus she has her foot in the door – maybe not as a big name star, but maybe for a career doing behing-the-scenes work or small roles. Movies have lots going on in them besides the big name actors.

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  34. Coffee and book 1
    Cofyjunky  about 13 years ago

    LOSER!! And buried up to her neck in denial.

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    brdesert  about 13 years ago

    No wonder some films cost millions of $$ in productions costs.

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    DockoftheBay  about 13 years ago

    Tiffany you are a star, a star among the trillions in our galaxy.

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  37. Thinker
    Sisyphos  about 13 years ago

    Tiff indeed had a role, but it was so far down the list as to be hardly worth mentioning, were she anyone else but Sheraton St. Louis! Be gentle with the baby, Crystal!

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  38. W12
    chris_weaver  about 13 years ago

    Tiffany now has her Six Degrees of Separation.

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    imbaldeagle  about 13 years ago

    Oh, and yes, it is tiresome to be with people who are always complaining – but not much more tiresome than being with someone who always think she’s RIGHT. You can’t get the first to believe there’s anything good in the universe and you can’t get the last to believe there is any other possibility than what they believe is true. BTW, I don’t see Lu as complaining, for the most part, but introverted and insecure.

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  40. With saturn  1
    Phosphoros  about 13 years ago

    Tiffany needs a Crystal. This was funny.

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  41. Mild mannered reporter
    DCWriter71  about 13 years ago

    I wonder what color the sky is in Tiffany’s world.

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    tegm  about 13 years ago

    Laugh it up, something like that is good for your resume. In life you never act like you’re somehow “above” an opportunity, especially if you have no prior experience.

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    Airman  about 13 years ago

    Tiffany puts the “comic” in this comic strip, no analysis needed. Sure she’s a lightweight, living in a fantasy world, but when she comes aboard things lighten up and I smile. Knute also has this effect. Greg is very smart to break up the soap opera themes with some silly, funny stuff once in a while. .

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  44. Profile
    !!IceFire!!  about 12 years ago

    Surprised tat se remembers te long connection !!!

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