Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for January 13, 2012
Crystal: "When does "The Eyez of Zeye" movie come out?" Tiffany: "Next summer. All the 3-D stuff takes time" Crystal: "And will you actually be in it?" Tiffany: "Of course! I'm in several big scenes playing important figures" Crystal: "I'm a face in a big mob" is what I'm hearing" Tiffany: "But it's MY face. In 3-D! It'll really stand out!"
jennifer about 13 years ago
Indeed, her face is 3-D, but her brain is 0-D.
legaleagle48 about 13 years ago
You know, as much as Tiffany always annoys me, it’s Crystal who’s really been getting on my nerves this past week. I mean, I get that she’s trying to be the calm voice of reason in the face of Tiffany’s delusions of grandeur, but can’t she just once lay off the snark and be happy that Tiffany had a good time in Hollywood, and enjoyed her brief brush with the movie business?
Catfeet Premium Member about 13 years ago
It’s not her face standing out that the producers want to see…
chireef about 13 years ago
its not the pretty faces in hollywood that stand out, ask Ms. Grey of dirty dancing fame.
Bashis about 13 years ago
Looks like this wont be ending till summer.
bikenboatn about 13 years ago
Out standing in her field? Not to be confused with outstanding in her field.
mcizzle527 about 13 years ago
I’m tired of this storyline. We get it. Tiffany thinks she is more important than she really is. Does that really garner a week’s worth of comics?
Wigwag about 13 years ago
Ok…I have been a daily reader of this comic for a long time,,, but have never felt the need to respond thru the highs and lows of the strip, however, Crystal is just being mean spirited, I mean, geeze, anyone would be excited to have been part of a movie. Can’t Crystal just be excited for Tiffany and show a little support?
Kikilicious about 13 years ago
I am sick to death of this story line.
mojitobaby about 13 years ago
Depends on whether you consider being in a crowd scene important – Crystal obviously doesn’t. .As for her saracsm – she’s Bernice to Tiffany’s Luann. The difference is that Luann’s ego can be punctured by a well-placed dart from Bern, whereas Tiffany’s ego is lead-lined and <then/i> covered over with Teflon.
Bill the Butcher about 13 years ago
Sometimes a clueless joke who lives in his/her fantasy world can come out on top. Those of you who read Doonesbury will know how Jeff Redfern, aka the Red Rascal, has not just found fame and fortune but is kicking some serious ass where it comes to deflating egos. And Redfern was even more a flake than Tiff is.
Sisyphos about 13 years ago
Congratulations, Tiffany, on even getting “extra” screen-time! It’s not much, but it’s a start. —Though I doubt she’ll make much of an impact in the business.
upanddown17 about 13 years ago
I wouldn’t be surprised if all her scenes are edited.
JerryTheK about 13 years ago
Back to Sleep zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Chuck373 about 13 years ago
Crystal is not trying to put Tiff down, so much as keep her grounded. I’m sure she see’s the possibility of her friend running off to Hollywood and ending up as a career waitress or worse. Tiff is not that bright. In Pittsville she’s safe from the urban blight. Somebody could tell Tiff they want her for a movie and before she realizes what is happening she’s on a movie set with no clothes.
Chuck373 about 13 years ago
PoorTiff has stars in her eyes and no brains in her head. A bad combination for a bleach blond bimbo from small town America.
Mordock999 about 13 years ago
D.I.S.T.U.R.B.E.D. -- Disturbed!!!
“Mordock was DISTRUBED because He Mis-spelled DISTURBED!!!”
ekw555 about 13 years ago
mcizzle – I think “warrant” a week of comics makes more sense than “garner”.look it up.;-)
Rakkav about 13 years ago
You folks keep griping about each and every story line that Greg comes out with and he just might shut down commenting entirely, like Brooke McE. did. In fact, Greg, if you’re reading this, you have my total support if you decide to do just that.
Silverbear07 about 13 years ago
Let’s just face it. Reality bites and Crystal is Tiff’s reality!
weblais about 13 years ago
Is there a “back story” with Crystal and Tiffany? I have always had the sense that they were friends because their moms are friends, and they have known each other since before kindergarten— friends because they are friends, and they are comfortable with each other.
JAMES09 about 13 years ago
blondie doesn’t have just a wee bit of an ego problem does she?? LOL
Elmer Gantry Fudd about 13 years ago
How awful that that horrible Tiffany got to be in a movie. Thank goodness Crystal is there to mock her and try to break her spirit.
ACTIVIST1234 about 13 years ago
Hurrah for Tiffany! Heck, I lived in Los Angeles for two years and never got to be so much as a “face in the mob”. And Tiff did it in just two days! Atta girl! (Of course, I never saw a movie lot or Elvis)
chris_weaver about 13 years ago
Today, Person in Crowd #317, tomorrow a cinema goddess!
Popeyesforearm about 13 years ago
she’s got sumthin’ else that will stand out in 3-D, 34C
imbaldeagle about 13 years ago
“average IQ at Pitts High will rise by several points when Tiff departs.” Amusing image & it reminds me of this story: The governor of Georgia was asked how he felt when it was reported than a lot of the state’s residents were moving to Florida – That’s OK, he said, it raises the average IQ of both states.
coolwaterman about 13 years ago
What I wana know is… where were Tiffiny’s parents in all of this? I mean, what kind of people would send a young daughter alone to CA for a movie shoot! Yikes!
kauri44 about 13 years ago
Okay, maybe someone else mentioned this in the two hundred plus jokes about Mr. Depp’s abode, but actually, didn’t he recently move back to the US because becoming a permanent resident of France would have hammered him with double taxes?
doverdan about 13 years ago
I hope for more interesting story lines soon. This had potential.
imbaldeagle about 13 years ago
And that’s what Crystal is trying to show her.
vldazzle about 13 years ago
I agree with BaldEagle as usual and Mojito (not Alain). And none of us want to lose the comments board for Greg. I just saw on another friend in FB that Greg did a new Brad and Toni book at Barnes and Noble but their media shows it too small to read and he is trying to deal with them over that – GOOD! I prefer real books to electronic and there was no mention- I’ll check Amazon or Alibris where I buy.
Phosphoros about 13 years ago
Is Tiffany going to be in this dream world all her life? Maybe she’ll be happier that way.
Airman about 13 years ago
I like Tiffany and Crystal. (Luann historians: has Crystal ever smiled?) Maybe Greg will create the group scene from the movie and have Tiff point herself out to everyone. Then Crystal could post a star on her school locker. I was in a college drama class movie project. I waded through a swamp, with an ancient rifle, saw a water snake, and got more bug bites than people that saw the movie. But it was FUN, even though I think I smelled like a sea creature for about two days.
kfccanada about 13 years ago
I really like Brooke’s 9 Chickweed Lane…with or without comments allowed. He does that, I imagine, due to the adult content of his strip and he knows people (trolls) would have a field day posting lewd comments. HIs adult content shows he’s aware that adults read his strip and he’s tasteful and ‘ponted’ in his depictions of adult romance etc. Even his content, which includes non-hetero characters , makes the contrent more true to actual life.
tegm about 13 years ago
anyone else think this whole 3D trend is a bit much?