Frazz by Jef Mallett for January 23, 2012

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    rollerposter  about 13 years ago

    I bet i will continue to write rabbit on my checks even though it is now the year of the dragon

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    qxzj42  about 13 years ago

    Goods and services from China accounted for only 2.7% of U.S. personal consumption spending in 2010. About 88.5% of U.S. spending last year was on American-made products and services.

    Foreign-made products are most prevalent among so-called durable goods, which are big-ticket items such as cars, furniture and appliances. About one-third of all durable goods Americans purchased last year were made abroad; 12% came from China.

    And, of every dollar spent on an item labeled ‘Made in China,’ 55 cents goes for services produced in the United States.

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    DutchUncle  about 13 years ago

    >>"Forget conquest, they’ve bought America outright."And isn’t that the capitalist free-market way to have done it? :-)

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    edgeways  about 13 years ago

    China is on the verge of their own bad credit housing crisis. Think this global recession was bad?

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    Seed_drill  about 13 years ago

    Well, that explains their 13 year old gymnasts in the Bejing Olympics.

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    Stephen Gilberg  about 13 years ago

    This boy’s logic is as bad as this joke’s: “God is love. Love is blind. Ray Charles is blind. Ray Charles is God.”

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    monawarner  about 13 years ago

    I thought I was the only one who realized that.

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    hippogriff  about 13 years ago

    They don’t have to call in the debt. In another couple of decades they will simply refuse to trade any more. All our skilled labor force will have died and we could no longer make anything for ourselves. Then they, and their multinational corporate allies, will be the colonial power to rule the world. We are almost there now and some more union busting will speed up the process.

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    hippogriff  about 13 years ago

    Would it be offensive to point out that the name is Tet?

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    Toxicdave  about 13 years ago

    I once challenged my kids to find something in their room that was not “Made in China”. My four year old flipped out when I checked behind her ear and said,“Yep, You’re made in China too”. It fun messing with them. Now they know better.

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