At least the tattooed Mudlarks are starting to contribute. Desertdwir is right, that “steal” in the first panel looks more like a mugging, with the Central player looking appropriately terrified.
Good defensive techniques by Bowen: In P1, step on the bottom of the guy’s foot while you are putting him in a bear hug. In P3, stick your left leg out and blatently trip him. I don’t see any officials anywhere-did they forget to show up?
PF Flyers? Red Ball Jets? Many years ago, AD Thorp signed an unprecidented endorsement deal with L.A. Gear. The L.A. Lights model (like most toddlers over the past 15-20 years) is the shoe of choice.
If Milford is stealing passes, why does it look like Central is doing so in both P1 and P3? I’m with desertdwlr and chiphilton… it is a mugging by Milford tat players, probably because they are upset that the non-tat players are actually the productive ones.
@Kaz – Yep, when I first read the strip I thought the dark uniformed players were making the steals. Then on second look I remembered Milford is in their road white(?) for this game.
chiphilton about 13 years ago
At least the tattooed Mudlarks are starting to contribute. Desertdwir is right, that “steal” in the first panel looks more like a mugging, with the Central player looking appropriately terrified.
grshprnh about 13 years ago
Gotta love the socks, are they wearing Keds PF Flyers too, or black converse high tops.
newton4311 about 13 years ago
Good defensive techniques by Bowen: In P1, step on the bottom of the guy’s foot while you are putting him in a bear hug. In P3, stick your left leg out and blatently trip him. I don’t see any officials anywhere-did they forget to show up?
bearwku82 about 13 years ago
PF Flyers? Red Ball Jets? Many years ago, AD Thorp signed an unprecidented endorsement deal with L.A. Gear. The L.A. Lights model (like most toddlers over the past 15-20 years) is the shoe of choice.
zipperg about 13 years ago
P1 and P3; remove the ball and it looks like roller derby.
chujusmith about 13 years ago
Actually, I think the Central player is afraid of that big “M” tatoo on Bowen’s arm that appears to be infected.
miffedmax about 13 years ago
Oddly, in P1 we are suddenly shown highlights from the Nilford game judging from the uniform. I wonder why Milford never plays Nilford.
Kazbot about 13 years ago
If Milford is stealing passes, why does it look like Central is doing so in both P1 and P3? I’m with desertdwlr and chiphilton… it is a mugging by Milford tat players, probably because they are upset that the non-tat players are actually the productive ones.
Cliff1911 about 13 years ago
38-year-old Cortez Beecher is dominating this game!
Mopman about 13 years ago
@Kaz – Yep, when I first read the strip I thought the dark uniformed players were making the steals. Then on second look I remembered Milford is in their road white(?) for this game.
Mopman about 13 years ago
Cliff1911 about 13 years ago
Nudlarks looking good.
JerryPulver about 13 years ago
Maybe they changed the name of the school to match the new aggressive give-up-nil-points defense.
chiphilton about 13 years ago
Today’s strip reminds me of a game we played at recess called “kill the man with the ball.”
BikeMike about 13 years ago
The new name change makes the Tats obsolete!Let’s not forget Gil’s fantastic coaching job here. took til the last 3 minutes, but it worked.