Ripley's Believe It or Not by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! for January 16, 2012
Hydrogen makes up about 75% of all elemental matter in the universe! When World War I began in 1914- none of the countries involved provided protective steel helmets to their troops! Rolf Buchholz of Germany has more than 450 body piercings- including more than 90 around his lips alone!
jennifer about 13 years ago
I guess if you want to speculate that Dark Matter does not exist in elemental form, then Hydrogen makes up 75% of all the elemental Light Matter.
jennifer about 13 years ago
Regarding Pin-Head: What they did not mention is that Rolf received his last piercing straight between his ears. For some reason, he has not moved since.
Aussie Down Under about 13 years ago
Just a pin head.
Tog about 13 years ago
And Rolf has made himself look like a complete idiot.
Gator007 about 13 years ago
dpauld about 13 years ago
@Cooncat And Tats Too. Seems like almost all women old, young, fat, homely, beautiful have a visible tattoo some place
shel4 about 13 years ago
I’m sure there’s a name for Rolf’s illness!
Elderflower about 13 years ago
Must be a drag for Rolf to go through an airport scanner.
ninja14 about 13 years ago
Pierce (from zits) will beat Rolf someday!
Max Starman Jones about 13 years ago
Rolf lost all his friends over his hole-i-er than thou attitude.
Puddleglum2 about 13 years ago
Even if Rolf were married to Rose, she wouldn’t kiss HIM!
4shadow about 13 years ago
Not just 6 year old girls, it’s normal for girls in latin american countries to have their ears pierced at birth. I can’t understand the appeal of piercing and tattoos, myself. And I’m a 20-year old university student.
tadchem about 13 years ago
How can a person be so lacking in self-respect and still maintain a will to live?
Kathe about 13 years ago
How does the guy shave?
Stephen Gilberg about 13 years ago
I’d read that many WWI soldiers believed that fate would determine who lived or died and helmets would do nothing to improve their chances. Stupid, I know.
ghretighoti about 13 years ago
If Rolf finds a girl who will kiss him enthusiastically, then I guess I would say that they deserve each other.
Dberrymanal1 about 13 years ago
I have no problem with piercings or tatoos, though their not for me. But why must some people run things into the ground? A piercing and a tatoo here or there in a couple of places look ok, but all over your body makes you look like a freak!
jimhargrave about 13 years ago
Good one MaxStarman!!
iced tea about 13 years ago
And doesn’t Rolf Pincusion realize he can get a serious infection from all those piercings? Someone should tell him, but will he listen? I had an infection in my ear lobes from earring studs. Now I wear wire earrings only.
Koolfunkygrrl about 13 years ago
Y’all think Rolf looks bad, google ‘Zombie Boy’ and you tell me if he has too many tattoos…hee hee