No smart Republican would enter the race this year. Why? because the financial mess they caused will come home…seriously…this next prez’ term…and they can’t handle the results. This next four years, after enough public awareness, may be the END of the Reeps FOREVER.
I’d settle for them facing justice, the real stuff.
dugharry about 13 years ago
Too True!
llong65 about 13 years ago
play on words that’s fitting.
luvcmx about 13 years ago
If they dug up Eisenhower’s body and nominated it I think that it would have more integrity than the present bunch all put together.
GalleyOar about 13 years ago
Current GOP drama is like reruns of the Three Stooges.
Sandfan about 13 years ago
“Press the Meat”. Snicker, chortle, chuckle, guffaw.
PICTO about 13 years ago
That’s what happens when half the population is below median intelligence. Moron candidates.
rshive about 13 years ago
Sen. Baston D. Belfrey waving to a crowd of one.
KEA about 13 years ago
and Santorum is Catholic, Paul is a Baptist, and Newt’s … uh, whatever Newt is this week. They’re all religious nits.
puddleglum1066 about 13 years ago
And for our next news report, “More on Birthers!”
The Life I Draw Upon about 13 years ago
Thank you.
danlarios about 13 years ago
politics in a bar makes for bad karma
wicky about 13 years ago
And we pay these morons?
tigre1 about 13 years ago
No smart Republican would enter the race this year. Why? because the financial mess they caused will come home…seriously…this next prez’ term…and they can’t handle the results. This next four years, after enough public awareness, may be the END of the Reeps FOREVER.
I’d settle for them facing justice, the real stuff.
dfowensby about 13 years ago
mormon is the religion. moron is the 2 individuals involved: candidate and voter actually listening to him.
TexTech about 13 years ago
The more I hear about the candidates, the more I feel like something is coming right back up. Where’s the Pepto?
AnotherFineMess almost 3 years ago
Press the Meat! Moron Candidates! Excellent!