Since my son insisted he couldn’t live without cable TV, he’s paying for it so we can all enjoy it. He watches TV downstairs, and we don’t watch it at all.
Brrr! Poor kid, that looks cold. I’m all for fresh air and sunshine, but if there is snow around…just dont stay out too long. Of course I’m a desert person, we see about a total of two inches of snow a year, and if it stays for more then a few hours we panic.
Three channels plus PBS… And kids were the remote.. As my parents explained it to me when I asked the foolish question of, why I should have to get up and turn the channel..
The reply..Why do you think we had you.. Needed some one to turn the channel.
A different time when getting dad a beer and stealing a sip was ok as long as it was a sip…
kittylover2 almost 13 years ago
Ah dont’s put him out in the cold. He’s such a good kid.
Krumbs77 almost 13 years ago
Should have changed the channel
Heavylift almost 13 years ago
Of course she will. After all……………Rose is Rose!!!!
tegm almost 13 years ago
to be fair, outside seems a bit harsh this time of year!
StoicLion1973 almost 13 years ago
Of course! Rose cares enough to ensure her son gets fresh air and exercise!
Doctor11 almost 13 years ago
I’d much rather read a book.
Jkiss almost 13 years ago
I love my DVR. Commercials? What commercials?
gosfreikempe almost 13 years ago
Since my son insisted he couldn’t live without cable TV, he’s paying for it so we can all enjoy it. He watches TV downstairs, and we don’t watch it at all.
Puddleglum2 almost 13 years ago
“Waste not, want not!”
tjimlee almost 13 years ago
I remember when you had to walk across the room to change the channel. Sheesh.
renewed1 almost 13 years ago
I would stop watching this horrible show if there was only something better on another channel.
Desertsinger1972 almost 13 years ago
Brrr! Poor kid, that looks cold. I’m all for fresh air and sunshine, but if there is snow around…just dont stay out too long. Of course I’m a desert person, we see about a total of two inches of snow a year, and if it stays for more then a few hours we panic.
iced tea almost 13 years ago
I’d rather my kids would have stayed in on cold days watching videos or reading than being out in the cold snow.
krisl73 almost 13 years ago
We had no channel changer, no VCR for a long time, and only 3 channels, one of which was PBS. Now I have DVR and fairly basic cable.
Mitchtheone almost 13 years ago
Three channels plus PBS… And kids were the remote.. As my parents explained it to me when I asked the foolish question of, why I should have to get up and turn the channel..
The reply..Why do you think we had you.. Needed some one to turn the channel.
A different time when getting dad a beer and stealing a sip was ok as long as it was a sip…