This raises the question of exactly when Hobbs is a stuffed animal and when he’s a tiger. If he needed Clavin to be there to be a tiger, there would be a stuffed animal left sitting on the curb… exactly how does that work?
I own every C&H book and have read tons of interviews and have never heard Mr. Waterman state that Hobbes was Calvins moms…… I don’t know where you got that one from.
Hi GatoCatThere’s a pattern that keeps repeating itself on this site. Often, Calvin-and-Hobbes posters “over-analyze” the human-vs.-stuffed nature of Hobbes, for fun. Then, usually, someone over-analyzes the over-analyzers. At least, that’s my analysis.
Hi M2MMThe truth is, Hobbes was captured in the wild by Calvin and domesticated. As a survival technique, Hobbes learned to appear stuffed when other humans were around. Here is the first “Calvin and Hobbes” strip:Click here: Calvin and Hobbes (November 18, 1985)
Obviously, Hobbes is ‘hooked’ on tuna fish sandwiches. At least he’s not too “stupid” to realize it. Hobbes’ willingness to acknowledge his addiction is the first step to overcoming it!
In Calvin’s mind, Hobbes walks back home by himself. Calvin is not allowed to bring a tiger on the bus since Hobbes would devour the driver, create panic among the other children, and result in Calvin’s expulsion. Hmm, I wonder why he hasn’t thought of this before?
Talking about Calvin’s mom going to find Hobbes reminds me of the time Calvin ran away to the Yukon with Hobbes, and then got in a fight with Hobbes halfway there (in the woods) and came home by himself. Mom takes Calvin back out to find Hobbes.
(I say that because I’m an ENFP, I interact with INFJs in exactly this way and my mind blows fuses left and right the exact same way Calvin’s does ;) )
(not meaning to hog the spotlight, but my fictional character “Alain Harper” is drawn from my subconscious, INFJ-like side and that side seems to come out here on GoComics for some reason)
Hi GretchensMomYou need to resize the comic to 350 pixels wide or less, for it to fit in the comment window. If you are using a GoComics URL, you can resize it by putting ?width=350 after the URL.For example, for the baby raccoon strip that you just posted, go to Calvin and Hobbes for 3/10/87 on GoComics. Right click on the strip and then select “properties” or “image info” or “image location” or whatever, depending on the Web browser that you are using. The GoComics URL for that strip is: display the strip, type < before and > after the following:img src=“”/Here is the result:
bluskies over 12 years ago
The brain says no, but the heart is looking for one big a— snowball…
dpaksundar over 12 years ago
the whole day next to Susie’s seat in class!! Good luck Calvin !
Yontrop over 12 years ago
This raises the question of exactly when Hobbs is a stuffed animal and when he’s a tiger. If he needed Clavin to be there to be a tiger, there would be a stuffed animal left sitting on the curb… exactly how does that work?
JoelJ over 12 years ago
I did not know that. Thanks for the information.
kakiman1078 over 12 years ago
When no one is around Hobbes go inside by himself, he’s smart enough to get out of the sun on hot days.
Tanuja_1986 over 12 years ago
rentier over 12 years ago
A realy dangerous life!!
vwdualnomand over 12 years ago
wait until they are teens, calvin and susie get married right out of high school, hobbes is still there.
Phapada over 12 years ago
Calvin run so why Susie not run on the bus?
brick10 over 12 years ago
Notice that strange odor of ozone?
kajunclown over 12 years ago
I own every C&H book and have read tons of interviews and have never heard Mr. Waterman state that Hobbes was Calvins moms…… I don’t know where you got that one from.
kajunclown over 12 years ago
and @saywhatwhat Hobbes is still there…the background moved
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
Looks like Calvin agrees with Linus’s philosophy:Peanuts (1963)
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
Hi GatoCatThere’s a pattern that keeps repeating itself on this site. Often, Calvin-and-Hobbes posters “over-analyze” the human-vs.-stuffed nature of Hobbes, for fun. Then, usually, someone over-analyzes the over-analyzers. At least, that’s my analysis.
Ottodesu over 12 years ago
Last panel:“The way Calvin’s brain is wired you can almost hear the fuses blowing.”Brilliant.
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
Hi M2MMThe truth is, Hobbes was captured in the wild by Calvin and domesticated. As a survival technique, Hobbes learned to appear stuffed when other humans were around. Here is the first “Calvin and Hobbes” strip:Click here: Calvin and Hobbes (November 18, 1985)
GROG Premium Member over 12 years ago
Judging by her reaction, I don’t think Calvin has anything to worry about.
rshive over 12 years ago
He’s really rational Susie. But in an irrational sort of way.
GROG Premium Member over 12 years ago
Hobbes, I used to think the way Linus did, until I realized that the problems never really went away.
Puddleglum2 over 12 years ago
When Calvin weds Susie, they will be ‘fused’ together in holy matrimony!
Puddleglum2 over 12 years ago
Re November 18,1985:Give Hobbes enough rope and he’ll hang himself. Hobbes doesn’t have a leg to stand on (on which to stand)!
Puddleglum2 over 12 years ago
Obviously, Hobbes is ‘hooked’ on tuna fish sandwiches. At least he’s not too “stupid” to realize it. Hobbes’ willingness to acknowledge his addiction is the first step to overcoming it!
mjdreyfuss over 12 years ago
wait…what’s a fuse?
RayThomas101 over 12 years ago
The bus waits for her; not for Calvin.
vexinator over 12 years ago
Thank you!
King_Shark over 12 years ago
Calvin’s going to have a nice time in school looking like that.
alan.gurka over 12 years ago
In Calvin’s mind, Hobbes walks back home by himself. Calvin is not allowed to bring a tiger on the bus since Hobbes would devour the driver, create panic among the other children, and result in Calvin’s expulsion. Hmm, I wonder why he hasn’t thought of this before?
Chris Kenworthy over 12 years ago
Talking about Calvin’s mom going to find Hobbes reminds me of the time Calvin ran away to the Yukon with Hobbes, and then got in a fight with Hobbes halfway there (in the woods) and came home by himself. Mom takes Calvin back out to find Hobbes.
sonnygreen over 12 years ago
Stop over analyzing everything. You’ll destroy the mystique. It’s what makes the story so enjoyable to read.
ratlum over 12 years ago
Calvin sure is worried about smooches ,but Hobbes is not.Who will win?
hablano over 12 years ago
This strip was the inspiration for the lyrics to Rush’s “Far Cry.”
You can almost feel the current flowingYou can almost see the circuits blowing
DerkinsVanPelt218 over 12 years ago
Somebody kept mentioning a horrorscope-now it’s blown straight to science fiction.
Gretchen's Mom over 12 years ago
“The way Calvin’s brain is wired, you can almost hear the fuses blowing.” Good one, Susie!
Gretchen's Mom over 12 years ago
Calvin’s mom “talking” to Hobbes regarding the injured baby raccoon Calvin found:
Mom and Hobbes
Rakkav over 12 years ago
(I say that because I’m an ENFP, I interact with INFJs in exactly this way and my mind blows fuses left and right the exact same way Calvin’s does ;) )
Rakkav over 12 years ago
(not meaning to hog the spotlight, but my fictional character “Alain Harper” is drawn from my subconscious, INFJ-like side and that side seems to come out here on GoComics for some reason)
Hobbes Premium Member over 12 years ago
Hi GretchensMomYou need to resize the comic to 350 pixels wide or less, for it to fit in the comment window. If you are using a GoComics URL, you can resize it by putting ?width=350 after the URL.For example, for the baby raccoon strip that you just posted, go to Calvin and Hobbes for 3/10/87 on GoComics. Right click on the strip and then select “properties” or “image info” or “image location” or whatever, depending on the Web browser that you are using. The GoComics URL for that strip is: display the strip, type < before and > after the following:img src=“”/Here is the result:
Shikamoo Premium Member over 12 years ago
Don’t worry Calvin. Susie isn’t impressed by dirt or burnt fuses.
adubman over 12 years ago
@ Hobbs:
TRIFECTA!!! Back in fine form, I see.
khpage over 12 years ago
Y’know, now that I think about it, at my age (68) I have had any number of times when my fuses were “fizzy” in my life. One Rapture to go, please…..
Celizabee over 12 years ago
Haha!! I love Calvin and Susie’s bus stop encounters…
leopardglily over 2 years ago
What? What? What? Your brain has blown a fuse!