Frazz by Jef Mallett for February 16, 2012

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    chess18  almost 13 years ago

    Better the devil they know than the one they do not…

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    Sportymonk  almost 13 years ago

    My students once said I was as mean as a snake. I said “thank you.” I miss teaching but will not go back to public high school teaching again. Wish the community college would hire some teachers.

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  3. Rugeirn
    rugeirn  almost 13 years ago

    Teaching is one of those Zen things. If you try to be liked, you won’t be; if you try really hard to get the best out of our students regardless of whether they like you or not, you will be liked indeed.

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  4. Victrola squarred
    Michael Helwig  almost 13 years ago

    why is he emptying the trash during a class…this is the weirdest school I’ve ever seen

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    bevgreyjones  almost 13 years ago

    Gato, this was one of my favorites as a kid. I loved the idea that someone would actually get away with writing this. I do feel sort of sorry for Dr. Fell, however

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    bevgreyjones  almost 13 years ago

    The public school system will at least allow you to TEACH, “mean” or otherwise. Which is far different from any of the other forms of indoctrination-mill around. And, believe it or not, the public school system also gives the pupils the opportunity to learn how to learn as well.

    Not according to Rick Santorum, who wants all kids to be home-schooled.

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    Varnes  almost 13 years ago

    Rural schools are almost always great places to learn and teach. Generally, city schools are usually pretty bad. BTW, teachers need thick skin and a good sense of humor

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  8. White rose mod
    tomielm  almost 13 years ago

    I’m in complete agreement with twice-named feline on this.

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    lmchildress  almost 13 years ago

    GatoCat, I am with you on that… let’s start a petition drive.

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