Arlo and Janis by Jimmy Johnson for February 12, 2012
February 11, 2012
February 13, 2012
You are my honey of honeys,
You are my bunny of bunnies!
I'd give you the moon, but I hope you'd a'soon
Take this Valentine torn from the funnies!
To: (loved one's name)
I love you!
From: (your name)
i don’t know…by the look on Janis’s face, i don’t think he is going to get any sugar in his coffee tonight.or any honey in his tea,ether..(or bunny in his hop.)
This is a repeat. JJ ran this exact strip roughly 8-10 years ago. I know, ’cause I printed it out and gave it to my wife. She actually liked it and it hung on the ’fridge for a few years.
Hey, with Hallmark (should read HAULCASH) pricing their Valentine’s cards at $6+, this Arlo Valentine is a welcome sight. I looked at one of Hallmarks valentines at Kroger last night and they wanted $6.72 for a plain ordinary card, give me a break!!!
sjc14850 almost 13 years ago
Arlo’s given her a valentine with Janice and himself in it… despite her expression, that seems pretty romantic to me!
Boots at the Boar Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Can you replace “torn from the funnies” with “printed on my inkjet”?
finale almost 13 years ago
Arlo single handedly responsible for jump in paper and printer ink consumption today!.Plus, now I don’t have to go out Monday looking for a card!!
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member almost 13 years ago
i don’t know…by the look on Janis’s face, i don’t think he is going to get any sugar in his coffee tonight.or any honey in his tea,ether..(or bunny in his hop.)
Nebulous Premium Member almost 13 years ago
But you see, the good thing is that anyone who reads the comics today is reminded that Tuesday is Valentine’s Day. Giving them a chance to prepare.
Phosphoros almost 13 years ago
This one is good! An example of why this is an award winning strip… or should be.
Ermine Notyours almost 13 years ago
Maybe Janis is thinking, “I’m ONE of your honeys and bunnys?”
barkingspider1 almost 13 years ago
This sounds like something my husband would do! But I like the sense of humor. Picking up a card is too easy.
barkingspider1 almost 13 years ago
When my husband does something like this, he says he’s not cheap, he’s frugal! Which is true.
mabrndt Premium Member almost 13 years ago
3rd panel: What is A’SOON a contraction for?
slatham100 almost 13 years ago
Ummmm, just read it on my Kindle ok?
iced tea almost 13 years ago
Arlo should read Peanuts today. He deserves to be called ‘sugar lips’ too.
opentomeet almost 13 years ago
I guess the whoopie lamp won’t be lit tonight…
wild0409 almost 13 years ago
This is a repeat. JJ ran this exact strip roughly 8-10 years ago. I know, ’cause I printed it out and gave it to my wife. She actually liked it and it hung on the ’fridge for a few years.
truckerdave almost 13 years ago
Hey, with Hallmark (should read HAULCASH) pricing their Valentine’s cards at $6+, this Arlo Valentine is a welcome sight. I looked at one of Hallmarks valentines at Kroger last night and they wanted $6.72 for a plain ordinary card, give me a break!!!
Tdog123 almost 13 years ago
natureboyfig4 Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Aw, man! Now I’ve gotta wait 10 months to use this! :-P My wife would LOVE it!