@Thavesi never seem to have a coment for your strip. its hard for me to come up with a snappy comeback for any of the strips. (i’m just not that quick a wit.) i have ben enjoying your strip for a long time. long before i found gocomics. i love puns and plays on words. and earnest is one of my most favorite strip characters of all time. as far as i am concerned he is right up there with Pogo, B.C.,Charlie Brown, Snoopy, and Broom Hilda. Malaprop Man kills me every time.so, what i would like to say here is, even if i don’t coment, your strip is at the top of my que and i always get a kick out of it.i don’t know how you do it, coming up with such fun wordplay every day, but you are the best.thank you for the years of gross and guffaws you have given me: )
InTraining Premium Member almost 13 years ago
What he’s sayin is "Let me OUT of this little cage…. that has no water and no food…! ! ! "
revisages almost 13 years ago
is that because he has a chirp on his shoulder?
NE1956 almost 13 years ago
Which one is the bigger birdbrain? Other than the bird I mean.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member almost 13 years ago
@Thavesi never seem to have a coment for your strip. its hard for me to come up with a snappy comeback for any of the strips. (i’m just not that quick a wit.) i have ben enjoying your strip for a long time. long before i found gocomics. i love puns and plays on words. and earnest is one of my most favorite strip characters of all time. as far as i am concerned he is right up there with Pogo, B.C.,Charlie Brown, Snoopy, and Broom Hilda. Malaprop Man kills me every time.so, what i would like to say here is, even if i don’t coment, your strip is at the top of my que and i always get a kick out of it.i don’t know how you do it, coming up with such fun wordplay every day, but you are the best.thank you for the years of gross and guffaws you have given me: )
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Thant was supposed to be groans. my spell check not only makes strange mistakes, it also struggles with my mistakes.
bmonk almost 13 years ago
In about three months, the chirps will certain fall where they May.
iced tea almost 13 years ago
That’s like the parakeets I had throughout my lifetime. They spent a good while chirping away!
homers almost 13 years ago
I would prefer a bird that chirps all day than a girlfriend who nags all day Lol
Superfrog almost 13 years ago
Frank is suffering from chirpies!