@bugsy re yesterday’s “genius” comment. i got mine by answering a suvey. i, too, don’t see the point of paying to go back over a week, when i’m interested in the day to day of the medium.
As one who lives in Florida, I saw it in another way—perhaps the island is all that’s left of Florida after the ice caps and glaciers finish melting and the copter is full of those who continue to deny the reality of global warming.
My people were the ones who made the mistake of feeding the ones who came here to escape from the ones who sent you Down Under, so they wouldn’t starve. And now we have all this border control noise, and I’m thinking too soon old, too late smart.
Maybe the guy on the island should put up a sign. “No border inspections - all foodstuffs allowed on island.”
You guys are going out of your way to raise Wiley’s blood pressure.
Them? You’re the one who’s taking Polks at politicians when there’s none on sight, er in site, er…
Hey, pbarnrob please tell me how do you pseudocode an anchor tag such as PrivateIslandsOnline so it’s clickable and I don’t have to just c&p a raw http://etc.com url … If’n you please.
WoodEye about 15 years ago
Quick, sell and move to a condo!
madKanga about 15 years ago
Must be a government ‘copter - no real help to anyone
yyyguy about 15 years ago
@bugsy re yesterday’s “genius” comment. i got mine by answering a suvey. i, too, don’t see the point of paying to go back over a week, when i’m interested in the day to day of the medium.
BugsyMaroon about 15 years ago
WoodEye logged on about 3 hours ago at 1:15 in the bleeeping morning like he does every bleeeping day
An early bird. Likes them fresh juicy Non SequitWorms.
Yesterday you said
”WIt is the soul of my Spongebob Squarepants briefs.”
I’d pay good money for a picture of that!
PS Comments for you on yesterday’s strip so nobody will bleeeeep.
madKanga about 15 years ago
Easy for me - the new comic comes on line around 4:30pm.
What a great way to end the day.
madKanga about 15 years ago
Yes, Bugsy, and you must be one of those rebels the Brits sent West to their colonies over there - perhaps we have a common enemy??
Varnes about 15 years ago
They could at least have brought him a sandwich…and maybe a beer….or two….
ron about 15 years ago
As one who lives in Florida, I saw it in another way—perhaps the island is all that’s left of Florida after the ice caps and glaciers finish melting and the copter is full of those who continue to deny the reality of global warming.
BugsyMaroon about 15 years ago
you .. one of those rebels the Brits sent West
My people were the ones who made the mistake of feeding the ones who came here to escape from the ones who sent you Down Under, so they wouldn’t starve. And now we have all this border control noise, and I’m thinking too soon old, too late smart.
Maybe the guy on the island should put up a sign. “No border inspections - all foodstuffs allowed on island.”
Nice save?
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
Hmm, no traffic going to work. I like it.
steverinoCT about 15 years ago
You guys are going out of your way to raise Wiley’s blood pressure.
I think the cartoon is actually a wry comment on the fiscal policy of the Polk administration…
ChazNCenTex about 15 years ago
That Polk, never trust a Dark Horse candidate.
I’m just imagining what the guy on the islet is thinking, after he got (presumably) excited at sight of a helicopter.
This would be a better Monday cartoon :-D.
Plods with ...™ about 15 years ago
He’s got the market cornered
palos about 15 years ago
I think he was hoping to get evicted, or discover a lovely time share.
Potrzebie about 15 years ago
private islands are very expensive. i wonder what is the smallest one available and how much it is worth?
lfanterickson about 15 years ago
Potrzebie, I bet this guy would sell his, cheap! (Just like MAD mag!)
Dirty Dragon about 15 years ago
Hopefully he’s not living on Kelo Island…
pbarnrob about 15 years ago
Had to Google, and check PrivateIslandsOnline; 3/4-acre in Panama, $30KUS; 6.25-acres in New Brunswick, $34.9KUS. Not that bad…
Potrzebie about 15 years ago
.75 acres? WTFO? That will be gone in a few years from erosion and rising sea levels!
runninanreadin about 15 years ago
Hey, Bugsy…
…just for you, bud…
WoodEye about 15 years ago
Bugsy - I live on the West Coast (note the caps) The toons are posted about 10:15 PM here.
BugsyMaroon about 15 years ago
You guys are going out of your way to raise Wiley’s blood pressure.
Them? You’re the one who’s taking Polks at politicians when there’s none on sight, er in site, er…
Hey, pbarnrob please tell me how do you pseudocode an anchor tag such as PrivateIslandsOnline so it’s clickable and I don’t have to just c&p a raw http://etc.com url … If’n you please.
treered about 15 years ago
if that means he’s the only one with real estate….