Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for December 04, 2009
Toggle: Al... Also worked on soundcraft and Mackie console! Man: Sounds like you know your stuff, bro... think you could work the board this weekend? We just booked this big project recording GPS voices. Toggle: G...GPS voices? Whose? Man: No clue. Client only sent me a list of first names. Toggle: "Meryl, Dustin, Madonna, Oprah, Brad..." Man: PROBABLY ALL CODE NAMES OF SOME KIND!
Dmajor about 15 years ago
Oh those wheels grind slow, but small.
Potrzebie about 15 years ago
Watch. The only one that actually shows will be Boopsie.
Chuck1002 about 15 years ago
Let’s hope the last names aren’t:
Jones, James, Galucci, Calhoune, Taylor.
Ushindi about 15 years ago
Susan001: Whatever happens or doesn’t happen with Polanski, it won’t affect your life or mine in the slightest. Whether he goes or doesn’t go to jail, we will both still get up in the morning and do the same things we’ve always done. Some people want Polanski freed, others don’t - so? It takes no food off my table or money from my pocket, nor does it increase my taxes. You should just worry about important things, like poor Agnes out in the snow with her high-launch multi-material driver…
drtom01 about 15 years ago
I remember this guy from when Duke, BD and Hedley were in Vietnam. I love the way Doonesbury reuses characters over decades.
AKHenderson Premium Member about 15 years ago
Is Jimmy Thudpucker on the list?
pbarnrob about 15 years ago
Um, Agnes???
mtmccollough about 15 years ago
Hey, Ushindi- There are things that are wrong regardless of how or whether they affect you personally. Rape is one of those things. Raping a 13-year-old certainly doesn’t make it more acceptable.