Enlarged (click to enlarge even more, diameter of original is about 14.6") available from here. Children (this painting, of a girl playing with dominoes, is the last of the to be continued paintings) were a common theme of this revered Swiss artist. So far, 3 works by this artist have appeared in Mr. Melcher’s blog.
@Dogsniff, I guess no one else can see those are dominos (not cards). Many I’ve had were not very sharp corners, which might make stacking them difficult. I did not have many toys but I remember using them for walls and marbles for the people. I think I may have used my parent’s Majong blocks (ivory and bamboo).
enlarged here, if you tap it http://www.artcyclopedia.com/artists/anker_albert.htmlI have to find them myself. The dominoes that my X and friends gambled with came in a wooden box like that.
margueritem almost 13 years ago
Will it all tumble into a jumble?
corzak almost 13 years ago
“and I call this one ‘Lehman Brothers’, and this one ‘Goldman Sachs’, and this one ‘AIG’ . . . "
Ottodesu almost 13 years ago
But all the World Financial Markets support each other!Oh, hang on, I think I see the problem …
zero almost 13 years ago
Any chance she knew one day this painting would be on a website with a dark humor caption? and eLearners.com touting Bible Degrees? I say, yes. . ..
Woody157 almost 13 years ago
Martha Stewart, the early years.
Superfrog almost 13 years ago
That’s a much more stable financial structure than some I’ve seen recently. Kid really is a prodigy.
V-Beast almost 13 years ago
Her mom is stacked too.
Coyoty Premium Member almost 13 years ago
It’s stable until the other kids start trying to help or trying to knock it down.
vwdualnomand almost 13 years ago
until that model is knocked down by politicians, terrorist groups, or greed.
mabrndt Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Enlarged (click to enlarge even more, diameter of original is about 14.6") available from here. Children (this painting, of a girl playing with dominoes, is the last of the to be continued paintings) were a common theme of this revered Swiss artist. So far, 3 works by this artist have appeared in Mr. Melcher’s blog.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member almost 13 years ago
she looks to me to be thinking a little on the top. economics will do that to you.
SwimsWithSharks almost 13 years ago
She’ll be fine if regulators would just stay out of the way, right?
vldazzle almost 13 years ago
@Dogsniff, I guess no one else can see those are dominos (not cards). Many I’ve had were not very sharp corners, which might make stacking them difficult. I did not have many toys but I remember using them for walls and marbles for the people. I think I may have used my parent’s Majong blocks (ivory and bamboo).
Simon_Jester almost 13 years ago
And this is Italy….
excelrver almost 13 years ago
I thought this was a Survivor challenge.
orinoco womble almost 13 years ago
For a truer model of the economy she should have made a house of cards…
Dave Thompson Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Wow! Great caption.
vldazzle almost 13 years ago
enlarged here, if you tap it http://www.artcyclopedia.com/artists/anker_albert.htmlI have to find them myself. The dominoes that my X and friends gambled with came in a wooden box like that.
Call me Ishmael almost 13 years ago
Dominos vobiscum!
vldazzle almost 13 years ago
Thanks Arch and as to Joe and Simon, There is nothing Italianate or liturgical about it (Not even the setting or clothing).
vldazzle almost 13 years ago
Et cum Spirito Tuo.
mabrndt Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Here is another painting by him.