Zack Hill by John Deering and John Newcombe for February 22, 2012

  1. Elba 20111218 00003
    doc white  almost 13 years ago

    Open mouth,incert………

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  2. White tiger swimming
    cabalonrye  almost 13 years ago

    Next game. Learn the use of a crow bar…

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  3. Missing large
    rmacprivate  almost 13 years ago

    Back in the day, we didn’t have interactive game devices to blow things up and do lots of killing. We had to watch cartoons for that. Of course those same cartoons also gave us a really good introduction to classical music.

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  4. Moi est theo
    jaeldid66  almost 13 years ago

    As I recall, the cartoons we watched had a fair amount of blowing up as well. Not to mention swearing . (“Rasselfrackin rasselfrackin rasselfrackin”)

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  5. Urahara avatar
    Jnite  almost 13 years ago

    You know the old NES, SNES, and SEGA games were full of blowing things up and killing things too. The only difference between now and then is that graphics are better. But if that’s the only reason to get upset, then kids shouldn’t watch most movies. Not talking about R movies. Even PG movies have death and destruction. They are just done in a more cutesy manner.

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    Comic Minister Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Ok now what Zack?

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  7. Fester
    dvoyack  almost 13 years ago

    How…About….A…. Nice Game….Of…. Chess????………..

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