Belfry represents whoever in the government is acting like Belfry. There’s always at least one. At the moment, Newt qualifies as the Serial Polygamist. Boehner qualifies as the first-to-the-bar-once-congress-lets-out.
Umm … For those who believe the Senator is Newt, you do realize he was never a US Senator. (Nor was Tip O’ Neal or Boehner). Belfry looks like a cross between Ted Kennedy and Howell Heflin.
Most “powerful” people who are just really somebody’s pet mouthpiece…Boehner, Limbaugh, etc…can drink and have drug problems. They’re just lap dogs and they have a lot to forget…but they don’t have any thinking of their own to do.
YOu know, just read the script. It gets delivered every day, and less often but regularly the check from Koch.
People who do their own plotting and planning…some do drink but are pretty good at putting on being drunk…
Everything for the chosen effect. The sellouts…Cantor, Issa…have been on the payroll forever.
pdking77 almost 13 years ago
I thought he bore more than a passing resemblance to a Kennedy.
Olddog1 almost 13 years ago
1after909. Correct, and before Ted, Tip O’Neal.
bbadenov almost 13 years ago
Actually I believe he is based on Ted Kennedy.
puddleglum1066 almost 13 years ago
Belfry represents whoever in the government is acting like Belfry. There’s always at least one. At the moment, Newt qualifies as the Serial Polygamist. Boehner qualifies as the first-to-the-bar-once-congress-lets-out.
J Short almost 13 years ago
Me either.
GROG Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Who is these days?
Thunderdog2 almost 13 years ago
Umm … For those who believe the Senator is Newt, you do realize he was never a US Senator. (Nor was Tip O’ Neal or Boehner). Belfry looks like a cross between Ted Kennedy and Howell Heflin.
LingeeWhiz almost 13 years ago
How about, he’s anyone we want him to be in our own heads.
LingeeWhiz almost 13 years ago
And don’t call people frikken dummies!
danlarios almost 13 years ago
how longs he been senator?
pfantom58 almost 13 years ago
And I thought Newt was an amphibian not a bird
ronovia almost 13 years ago
Not “Howard”, but “Howell”. He was a southern senator late last century.
tigre1 almost 13 years ago
Most “powerful” people who are just really somebody’s pet mouthpiece…Boehner, Limbaugh, etc…can drink and have drug problems. They’re just lap dogs and they have a lot to forget…but they don’t have any thinking of their own to do.
YOu know, just read the script. It gets delivered every day, and less often but regularly the check from Koch.
People who do their own plotting and planning…some do drink but are pretty good at putting on being drunk…
Everything for the chosen effect. The sellouts…Cantor, Issa…have been on the payroll forever.
poppy1313 almost 13 years ago
Howell Heflin was a three-term Senator from Alabama