Baldo by Hector D. Cantú and Carlos Castellanos for March 08, 2012
Cop: This is definitely the guy. Cop: We got most of your stuff back... Cop: But he did manage to unload a few things before we nabbed him. Tia Carmen: Shame on you young man! What must your mother think? Thief's Mother: Jennifer Lopez?! That little punk never steals CD's I like!
The Nihilist almost 13 years ago
Slam and dunk on this one…
cdward almost 13 years ago
I’m sure they’ll get to the dad … If they can find him.
Lyons Group, Inc. almost 13 years ago
The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree…the nuts fall even farther.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member almost 13 years ago
whole lotta truth there…
BeniHanna6 Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Question, why in cartoon strips are the crooks always white trash??
BeniHanna6 Premium Member almost 13 years ago
With the one exception being Curtis.
cbcomicsfan almost 13 years ago
Lack of an involved (or present) father is often a contributing factor toward delinquency in young men of all races. I highly recommend the movie or book “Courageous”, it hits this squarely and without pulling any punches.
danlarios almost 13 years ago
like mother like son
Comic Minister Premium Member almost 13 years ago
I can’t believe that guy did that!
Call me Ishmael almost 13 years ago
Surely by now we are all ready for some hard science on “racial” matters? Then we can argue about facts…meanwhile,if Cantu & Castellanos have any agenda, it appears that it’s to promote family values and education. I’m “white”, and I find this strip as “benign” as can be. I expect that they’ll try to “salvage” this kid, anyway.
jbarnes almost 13 years ago
In 2010 67% of people arrested for burglary in the US were white. Therefore, the odds are high that this burglar is white.
MotherOfMoses almost 13 years ago
Hector & Carlos, you are stereo typing your own ethnicity, shame on you..LOL. just kidding
ronpolimeni almost 13 years ago
Odd, looks like a neat suburban home on the outside and a dump on the inside. Would folks like the perp and his Mom keep such a neat yard or even be able to afford a place like that? Did the kid carry the furniture out alone? This whole arc is a bit far fetched if you ask me.
QuietStorm27 almost 13 years ago
There are positive and negative people of all races. I don’t have to wonder who the complainants would rather be shed in a negative light.
convin9003 almost 13 years ago
The thing is there are so many racist whites out there that treat minorities like crap that it’s hard for a minority member not to think negatively of whites.
convin9003 almost 13 years ago
Oh, and there is no indication that mama is not a latina. Blonde hair means nothing.