Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for April 06, 2012
Hey, Kim, here's a message or your parents: Thanks for nothing! When their bakery became our sponsor, I didn't know they were going to call us the Cream Puffs! What a stupid name! What a... your ears turn red when you get mad. That's adorable. Urk! Now tell me something about me that's adorable.
lightningsnowstorm over 12 years ago
“nothing,” Nate said.
Gluteus Maximus over 12 years ago
2morrow will haveA. The other team laughing at the Cream Puffs, Nate in particularB.Kim romanceC.A landslide lossD. All of the above.
Feed Me Comics! over 12 years ago
my ears and cheeks are always red. wen im mad or embarrassed, they go really really really red, but wen im calm normal or happy, theyre just pink or red
Feed Me Comics! over 12 years ago
here is wot I think will happen:1.wen the ball is passed to nate, kim will yell, “here! here sweetie!”
Feed Me Comics! over 12 years ago
2. everyone will laf. 3. nate will probably find a way to make it look like kim is talking to sumone else
lutherg1 over 12 years ago
“Feed me…..” needs a hobby.
ArfArf88 over 12 years ago
They actually win the game.
Strod over 12 years ago
I wonder if the name “Cream Puffs” was Kim’s idea.
Dr.Zombie over 12 years ago
Why doesn’t Kim understand Nate isn’t in to her.
Dr.Zombie over 12 years ago
Hey “Strod” I agree about the name being Kim’s idea.
flagfly over 12 years ago
When is Nate going to learn not to even talk to her, even if she is the only girl in memory that has liked him.
Dcab344 over 12 years ago
At least think of a good slogan like they did for the hot dogs
PeterMcClelland over 12 years ago
I am trusting in Chad to somehow come to Nate’s rescue.
burleigh2 over 12 years ago
Umm… your potential looks when you finally grow into your body? :-s
Comic Minister Premium Member over 12 years ago
How is Nate going to get out of this one?
hometownk Premium Member over 12 years ago
Why doesn’t her hat fit?
hometownk Premium Member over 12 years ago
Maybe the other team will be laughing so hard at the name that they won’t take the team seriously and the Cream Puffs will win.
orbenjawell Premium Member over 12 years ago
Re: how eensy Kim’s hat looks on her head! Like the opposite of the hats on the Peanuts gang when they first started playing baseball: you know, the hats looked like adult size on those kids’ heads! Haw!!
And! Love Nate’s face when he’s doing that “Popeye eye” thing! HAW!!
bignate creator over 12 years ago
These middle school crushes are always in flux. Nate has sworn off Jenny many times, but something always happens to rekindle the flame. The fact is, many comic strips, including my own, often resolve or conclude a story, only to revisit the same theme again later, almost as if the first story never happened.
slypuma over 12 years ago
Love how Kim’s hat is so small on her head..
Michelle Morris over 12 years ago
How about,“You’re adorable when you’re not crushing me to death!”
prasrinivara over 12 years ago
Too bad the coach didn’t hear Nate’s dialog with Kim—he would have cheered (worst player quits voluntarily—absolute pipedream).
Comicsfan07 over 12 years ago
She probably convinced her parents to sponsor the team to spend time with Nate.
tbritt99 over 12 years ago
She reminds me of Ludmilla from Elderpark
Tue Elung-Jensen over 12 years ago
…when she lets him breathe I guess.
COMIC-ER over 12 years ago
voicemail400 over 12 years ago
a grip of a god
voicemail400 over 12 years ago
why is her hat so small
Hermione4Ever about 11 years ago
My nose gets red when i’m mad, and stays like that for 10 min.
theotrio123 about 9 years ago
One thing that’s adorable? The FOOD.
hockey man almost 4 years ago
leopardglily over 2 years ago
His ears aren’t turning red. They’re turning… grey? Why
STUFF ENJOYER over 1 year ago
Mm pastries