Grand Avenue by Mike Thompson for April 10, 2012

  1. W12
    chris_weaver  almost 13 years ago

    Oh boy! Spring break grunt work!

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    jeanie5448  almost 13 years ago

    prepare them for the real world of work 12 months a year with no summer vacation or spring break.

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    Jkiss  almost 13 years ago

    This is how life goes kids. First you work, then you play.

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    kittykat0714  almost 13 years ago

    Not in my house. Time off is just that time off. For us, we do the chores that need to be done as they need to be done. The Friday before the holiday, is the pick up the house and clean day, then we get to play play play for fall break, winter break and spring break. I never understood this mentality. I get vacation time and so should my kid.

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    Comic Minister Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Too bad your grandmother had to ruin your start of Spring Break.

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