Ok….. I remember hearing that line used on a TV show… I wasn’t paying a lot of attention but I thought it was just part of the specific dialogue.After staring blankly at this…I finally realised it must be a recognised expression…The annoying guy points to his flexed biceps and says "Hey baby, I got two tickets to the gun show. The joke here is supposed to be that he meant it literally.But some of us old folk didn’t get that there was any other way to take it!
Some men call their arms (and/or arm muscles) “Guns” and when showing off while flexing it’s the Gun Show. So yeah, it looked like he was using a lame pickup line when he was being litteral. This reference is a pretty common line that I would think everyone would have heard by the time they’re 12.
GinRummy, some of us knew what “guns” are, but we didn’t know that “having tickets to the gun show” was common slang to those of you young enough to have heard it when you were 12.When I was 12, you couldn’t even mention guns anywhere near the dinosaurs.
JohnnyD !! TMI !!!It’s also TMI in a different way when people come here to explain why they don’t like Brevity, or are dropping it, or to “warn” those of us who DO like it that it’s not good.Just don’t read it!!
@SusanSunshineGreat comment. Susan.I’m just suspicious that they’re all not one disgruntled person who reregisters under different names. The complaints and threats are always the same.
So some people don’t like some people’s comments? 1) Too bad. 2) Tough noogies. 3) Boo-hoo. 4) All of the above. Pick one or more.
(Sorry, SusieS., nothing personal, but I think you are seriously wrong on this. TinaC.: You’re onto me! I’m the only one who has ever been irritated by the too-often obscure and sometimes downright mean jokes in this strip.)
Geez, folks, it’s just a lame pickup line for US to get. Then, oops, us gutter minds were wrong – it really is a gun show. Lame isn’t apt. But not too funny might be.
GinRummy obviously has it right. For old coots like me, the first panel might have read “Want to come up and see my etchings?” and the second panel shows the couple at an art gallery literally admiring his etchings. (Has anyone ever actually HAD etchings?)
It’s not the cartoonists’ fault I hadn’t heard “gun show” used that way before.
seems pretty obvious, dunno why everybody’s reading into it as if it’s all complicated… he wants to see guns, she wants to eat ice cream… his woman be mellowin him out
This strip was actually okay, I thought it was funny. If you have to think too much to get the guns reference then I can understand it not being funny.
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Ok….. I remember hearing that line used on a TV show… I wasn’t paying a lot of attention but I thought it was just part of the specific dialogue.After staring blankly at this…I finally realised it must be a recognised expression…The annoying guy points to his flexed biceps and says "Hey baby, I got two tickets to the gun show. The joke here is supposed to be that he meant it literally.But some of us old folk didn’t get that there was any other way to take it!
DuHhozr almost 13 years ago
His fun gun show?
DuHhozr almost 13 years ago
Must be ammo hey! Thought I’d take a shot at it.
BrookFan almost 13 years ago
if you think this couldn’t get any worse wait until tomorrow.Any more of this stupidity and I’m pulling the plug.
Ginrummy33 almost 13 years ago
Some men call their arms (and/or arm muscles) “Guns” and when showing off while flexing it’s the Gun Show. So yeah, it looked like he was using a lame pickup line when he was being litteral. This reference is a pretty common line that I would think everyone would have heard by the time they’re 12.
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 13 years ago
GinRummy, some of us knew what “guns” are, but we didn’t know that “having tickets to the gun show” was common slang to those of you young enough to have heard it when you were 12.When I was 12, you couldn’t even mention guns anywhere near the dinosaurs.
SusanSunshine Premium Member almost 13 years ago
JohnnyD !! TMI !!!It’s also TMI in a different way when people come here to explain why they don’t like Brevity, or are dropping it, or to “warn” those of us who DO like it that it’s not good.Just don’t read it!!
J Short almost 13 years ago
I would have thought this was a cartoon by Rameriz or Trudeau to create such an avalanche of comments.
V-Beast almost 13 years ago
He looks flexable.
tryoung71 almost 13 years ago
That’s my kind of woman if she’s fantasizing about a date at a REAL gun show!
tinachambers almost 13 years ago
@SusanSunshineGreat comment. Susan.I’m just suspicious that they’re all not one disgruntled person who reregisters under different names. The complaints and threats are always the same.
ossiningaling almost 13 years ago
I’m more interested in knowing why you can buy ice cream at a gun show. Doesn’t that make the guns sticky?
Thehag almost 13 years ago
Yeah, had to read the comics to get this one. So do body builders give 21 gun salutes?
demorodney almost 13 years ago
Face palm.
rmvose11 almost 13 years ago
Love it! This is one of the few Brevity’s that I got right away. Still love the strip ‘cause it makes me think and I enjoy everyone else’s puns.
Nighthawks Premium Member almost 13 years ago
oh no! it’s swirling ‘round and ’round and round……..quick, put that plug back in before it all goes down the drain!
pschearer Premium Member almost 13 years ago
So some people don’t like some people’s comments? 1) Too bad. 2) Tough noogies. 3) Boo-hoo. 4) All of the above. Pick one or more.
(Sorry, SusieS., nothing personal, but I think you are seriously wrong on this. TinaC.: You’re onto me! I’m the only one who has ever been irritated by the too-often obscure and sometimes downright mean jokes in this strip.)
Comic Minister Premium Member almost 13 years ago
She said yes!
KSquaredComics almost 13 years ago
Really enjoying this strip guys. Great artwork!
rh Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Geez, folks, it’s just a lame pickup line for US to get. Then, oops, us gutter minds were wrong – it really is a gun show. Lame isn’t apt. But not too funny might be.
dtaylor404 almost 13 years ago
GinRummy obviously has it right. For old coots like me, the first panel might have read “Want to come up and see my etchings?” and the second panel shows the couple at an art gallery literally admiring his etchings. (Has anyone ever actually HAD etchings?)
It’s not the cartoonists’ fault I hadn’t heard “gun show” used that way before.
Varnes almost 13 years ago
Oh, real guns? Shoot….
fireboy28 cfde16 almost 13 years ago
Like Foxworthy says" If you take her to the gun show, on the first date, you might be a RED NECK.
billa713 almost 13 years ago
now i get it ho ho
dulchenea almost 13 years ago
seems pretty obvious, dunno why everybody’s reading into it as if it’s all complicated… he wants to see guns, she wants to eat ice cream… his woman be mellowin him out
GeneralError324 over 12 years ago
This strip was actually okay, I thought it was funny. If you have to think too much to get the guns reference then I can understand it not being funny.