2Bdaysuit! From your avatars, can I reasonably conclude that you are interested in birds? Because now is when they’re raising their babies. Some places you could google are:
“Decorah eagles”: the babies are half grown already.
“Genesee Alberta peregrine falcons”: I think the female is sitting on the eggs right now – let’s see… no, no one is home.
-Genesee is quite far north, so the falcons nest later.
I have seen falcons in Australia, California – so where was I looking yesterday? There’s an elaborate ritual when one falcon comes to relieve the other – then sits down carefully over the eggs and arranges them till they’re just right.
margueritem almost 13 years ago
Indoors is good, especially with a fireplace.
Good morning, LB.
Llewellenbruce almost 13 years ago
If Broomie doesn’t live in a house, where doesshe live?
MARG! Have a nice weekend.
Sisyphos almost 13 years ago
I dunno, Broomie. The Enchanted Forest has always looked pretty good to me….
Rakkav almost 13 years ago
The ZAPS finally come and they’re being wielded against her. What a place.
bkybl Premium Member almost 13 years ago
She’ll get zapped big time if she stays under that tree.
GROG Premium Member almost 13 years ago
And the Enchanted Forest is her outhouse.. Let’s give her that house with real flush toilets.
gjsjr41 almost 13 years ago
I don’t know, looks like that tree is doing a pretty good job to me.
pschearer Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Why indoors was invented.
cptvdo1 almost 13 years ago
Hilda, the world’s oldest homeless lady.
RinaFarina almost 13 years ago
2Bdaysuit! From your avatars, can I reasonably conclude that you are interested in birds? Because now is when they’re raising their babies. Some places you could google are:
“Decorah eagles”: the babies are half grown already.
“Genesee Alberta peregrine falcons”: I think the female is sitting on the eggs right now – let’s see… no, no one is home.
-Genesee is quite far north, so the falcons nest later.
I have seen falcons in Australia, California – so where was I looking yesterday? There’s an elaborate ritual when one falcon comes to relieve the other – then sits down carefully over the eggs and arranges them till they’re just right.
I have also followed a nest of barn owls. Try:“barn owl cam”: their innocence is breath-taking.