Endtown by Aaron Neathery for April 20, 2012

  1. 3goddessxxxx
    dirtyoldlady1  almost 13 years ago

    Wow. A whole hour late in turnover. I thought I would panic!I agree whole heartedly with AM. The man has a good consious and knows that this will be misused, now maybe not by Wally but others ….. I am thinking of the rabbit and his nasty attitude. No way should this secret fall into the power of vitreous (I looked it up, it means fragile, easy to break) the endtown angry and malignants in charge.even the tail says nope.Blessed Be

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  2. Idano
    Ida No  almost 13 years ago

    On the other hand, with no counter to the spy satellite, Endtown and virtually every other mutant colony in the area is doomed to extinction. Mr. Rock, please meet Mister Hardplace.

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  3. Me
    aneathery  almost 13 years ago

    Well, folks.. The time has come.. The first two Endtown collections are now available for pre-order from Jarlidium Press! Until midnight of May 1st, you can order both books together for only $18 plus shipping.. I’ll be posting details about how to get signed bookplates on Monday.. Stay tooned, gang..


    PS: Good sales = Future Endtown Collections.. :-)

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  4. Me
    aneathery  almost 13 years ago

    The Endtown mini-comic that I produced for Comicpalooza 2011 is now available to YOU for the offensively low price of $2.50 (price includes s&h, international add $1 for each copy ordered ). Besides sporting a snazzy full color cover, it contains an all-new 22 page story that is available nowhere else. And just because I feel like doing it, I’ll sign and personalize (if desired) each and every copy I mail out. Simply pay via PayPal using my email address, aaronneathery@gmail.com, and be sure to include your mailing address. If you can’t pay with PayPal, send payment to:Aaron NeatheryPO Box 920558Houston, TX 77292And, just so you know, I’m completely open to donations. The cat and mouse that live in my head will thank you. :-)PS: Original art is still for sale. Contact me at aaronneathery@gmail.com for details

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  5. Lh 50
    Level_Head  almost 13 years ago

    There’s an implication still That the dittos (who have their own will) Can perform camouflage And provide their mirage For anyone who has the skill Is it magical, what this Marx does? In a sense it is “science with fuzz” Did he fly by illusion? There’s room for confusion When one sees “what seems real” not “what was” In the meantime, their ideas conflict Aaron Marks, while he doesn’t seem ticked, Is still steadfastly strong In his sense of “that’s wrong” He’ll determine who gets ditto-tricked =|====/ Level Head Vote for Endtown 2.0 And for Doc Rat, too The Endtown Forum And don’t forget to vote for both For Ursa Major awards!

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  6. New camera first shots 038
    Rennjack  almost 13 years ago

    The most lasting solution and the only hope for the planet is peace between Topsiders and Mutants. Maybe that is why he is refusing? A cloak will only delay the inevitable. As Napoleon said; “the only way to truly defeat your enemy is to make them your friend.”

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    Peabody-Martini  almost 13 years ago

    The Dittos think for themselves, its a matter cooperation. They need to be convinced to help.

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    Arcaton  almost 13 years ago

    Ditto on that.@Dirtyoldlady1: surely vitreous refers to ceramic manufactured products such as toilet bowls?

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  9. Docrat logo avatar
    Jenner Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Without Ditto-invisibility, all mutants can be spotted from space and are screwed, end of story. Marx won’t allow Ditto-invisibility for foraging. Marx may have some way of bringing all parties together and forcing them to make peace, and I hope that can happen, but it won’t because, once again, end of story.Where will we go from here, Mr Neathery?

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  10. Penguins
    DADOF3  almost 13 years ago

    Of course AM would reject the obvious and straight foward answer. Once out of his control, the ditto’s potential is nearly unlimited, for good and bad. Of course we are all good and reasonable people so we say peace is a good thing, yet as Jenner points out, peace = end of conflict = end of story. I don’t know what remedy Aaron N has in mind, but you know there is one. And so once again we get to stew in our own juices for 72 hrs. Here’s to Mondays! ;-)

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  11. Penguins
    DADOF3  almost 13 years ago

    Well, that answers my question from yesterday. Sounds are not masked.

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    finder10030  almost 13 years ago

    As expected. Remember, Holly said AM wanted them to figure things out for themselves and AM seemed to agree. Having AM’s dittoes do the work doesn’t meet the criteria. Wally’ll need to do better than that. And yes, it is nice to see Wally smiling again.

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  13. Tishdhuru portrait
    Strider Keninginne Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    I’m glad Pontos mentioned Jackrabbit as well as Flask in the scenario of possibly receiving AM’s trained dittos. Those are two characters one doesn’t want to be receiving trained dittos! I thought about the movie “Forbidden Planet”-where a highly advanced race known as the Krell doomed themselves when they made a machine that enabled them to make thoughts reality. The Krell woefully underestimated the factor that evil thoughts were also given life, so with these dittos. In the wrong hands, great woe will be wreaked with these creatures.

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  14. Wally avatar
    JanBic Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    If one side uses dittos then eventually the other side will get dittos. This will lead to ditto escalation and soon peace will be assured only by Mutually Assured Dittostruction.Hmm.. Seems I have heard this argument before somewhere.

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  15. Wally avatar
    JanBic Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    The dittos seem to be friends of AaronM’s. Others may resort to ditto slavery.Just how senscient are the dittos, anyway? I don’t think they are dumb animals.

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  16. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Told ya Wally

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  17. Downloadfile
    Guilty Bystander  almost 13 years ago

    Dittos impart power to whoever controls them, and if you subscribe to the notion that power can be a corruptive tool, everyone in Endtown (not just Flask and Jackrabbit or even Mallard) would be subject to its lure…yin & yang and that sort of thing. AM seems to understand what’s going on and is being pretty level-headed.

    A question, though: Remember that sumptuous meal everyone took part in on the ship? Was all that food an illusion, too? Or do dittos have nutritive value? Think I need some breakfast…soon.

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  18. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  almost 13 years ago

    Like others said,Wally may have been trying to stir up Marx. It seems more that way today.

    And Wally would not think weapons. The falling into the wrong hands might not happen since the dittos seem to have some say in what they do.

    Hard to wait to get the books, I too love the books, being able to turn back to an older picture to study and being able to read in bed too!

    Someone mentioned some things I didn’t get. Like who is Q, what is TOS and THG? Who is Keith Moon? He sounds familiar, but I can’t place him.

    Dwandelt ? (sp) asked what does a rabbit know about rodents. I was owned by some darling rats, about 15 over time. They are amazing super pets! The are as smart as dogs, the pouched rats are being trained to find land minds. They learn faster than dogs and don’t trigger the mines. They don’t have any bad smell, the girls smell a bit like 7UP. They love attention, are affectionate, very clean. I would rather have a pair of big lovable boy rats than anything. The girls are busy but older boys are couch potatoes that like being held and loved on.(tummy kisses) they think they are rodentists and will also give you manicures!

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    finder10030  almost 13 years ago

    Hmm, that previous entry doesn’t look right. Only the last sentence is @Aaron Neathery. Everything else is for those who haven’t bought the mini-comic yet.

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  20. Deficon
    Coyoty Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Dittos may not be a “them”. They may be the cells of a single fluid entity. Wally may as well be asking to borrow a cup of Oracle.

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  21. Missing large
    Arcaton  almost 13 years ago

    @crookedwolf : I thought that was aqueous humour..alas I am a mere pupil in optics, iris’d my case….

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    finder10030  almost 13 years ago

    Come on Arcaton, that’s a little short-sighted isn’t it?

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  23. Penguins
    DADOF3  almost 13 years ago

    ARRGH! The inhumanity! This is most certainly cruel and unusual pun-ishment!

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    Arcaton  almost 13 years ago

    @finder10030 it is myopia don’t think Im making a spectacle of myself with my puns as they get cornea……I’m off for some vision chips….. have a great weekend folks.

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    Stephen Gilberg  almost 13 years ago

    Has anyone so far compared Aaron Marx to Tom Bombadil, the superpowerful being who acted friendly but too disinterested in saving the world?

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    weasleman4  almost 13 years ago

    Even if Marx does somehow bring peace between the Topsiders and the mutants, that doesn’t mean the end of the story. There would still be some disputes between the different parties they’d have to deal with. Might not work, but we won’t know until Monday.

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  27. Penguins
    DADOF3  almost 13 years ago

    It would seem folks have been so busy ordering books that they are forgetting to VOTE! Endtown 2.0 and Doc Rat are seriously slipping in the rankings. Let’s get with it people, it takes only minutes a day!

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