Rip Haywire by Dan Thompson for April 14, 2012
Rip: Woof! What's the deal with this cat? It's like Garfield ate Oprah! Uh-oh, somebody's coming! Lady: Honey, I'm tired of stealing the villagers' gold! Let's just get married and take off before they find out! Man: Nonsense! We'll stick to the plan: distract the villagers with cat worship... Cat: Mew. Man: And then blame the missing gold on those saps we found aat the beach. They'll get tossed into the volcano and we'll honeymoon! Lady: Oh honey, you know I love how you needlessly go over our plans in full!
Veridian almost 13 years ago
Have a Rip-tastic weekend you *HUGPOUNCESZZ*able Hooligans! (And you know who you Are…:-) Have Fun Y’all!
Plods with ...™ almost 13 years ago
“…needlessly go over…”He can’t help himself. It’s part of the bad guy code. Like telling the hero how much he’s going to enjoy killing him just before he get his @$$ kicked.
Lyons Group, Inc. almost 13 years ago
Called that one yesterday when I said in the posting: “Garfield?” “Heathclif?”
gcarlson almost 13 years ago
“The Incredibles” refers to this villain tendency as “Monologuing”.
Linda Solomon almost 13 years ago
Dan, did you use Veridians avatar for the Insane Clown College Flag over at Brevity today? Sure looks looks like it….just saying…lol…love your set-up on this new arc, and looking forward to Monday for sure!
DorianKTB almost 13 years ago
Monologuing, Garfield/Heathclicc-esque cats; today’s strip has it all! :-) On a related note, the best HEATHCLIFF panel I ever read was one with our rascally hero partying on a tuna boat, with the captain grousing, “He’s a pretty cool customer for a stowaway.” Hope your weekend is the cat’s meow, fellow Haywire Hooligans!
Linda Solomon almost 13 years ago
Extra snuggly HugPouncesszzzz for the weekend Haywire Hooligans!Have a great weekend!
Dragoncat almost 13 years ago
Both Garfield and Oprah would be jealous of this cat right now.