Cap can fly at the speed of Lite! And how fast is that? Oh, about fifteen minutes from mouth to bladder….Speaking o’which, I notice that Miller is putting their unleaded brew into so-called “vortex” bottles, which spin the stream as it pours. What I want to know is, if you drink the beer directly from the bottle, does the stream spin as it exits you later on? And does the direction change if you cross the equator.
puddleglum1066 over 12 years ago
Cap can fly at the speed of Lite! And how fast is that? Oh, about fifteen minutes from mouth to bladder….Speaking o’which, I notice that Miller is putting their unleaded brew into so-called “vortex” bottles, which spin the stream as it pours. What I want to know is, if you drink the beer directly from the bottle, does the stream spin as it exits you later on? And does the direction change if you cross the equator.
Nebulous Premium Member over 12 years ago
Luckily there is no way to confuse Guinness with a Lite beer.
Gyrrakavian over 12 years ago
It’s still beer and it’s more than likely still terrible (unless it’s German or a honey lager)