It’s available, but the pharmaceutical companies aren’t interested in marketing it widely because it’s not very profitable. Better to work on the next baldness cure or boner pill…
Drugs are manufactured only to ease not heal, thus huge profit margins. Best to go holistic, if possible. Had several meds that I had terrible reactions to. Exercise and eating better are your best things to do.
Too bad this attitude is all too true!Unlike Dr. Salk, when asked why he decided not to claim a paten, said " how can a man patent the sun? it’s there for all. this is for all people to benefit from." A noble and altruistic man! Now there are people holding patents to cure several potential new pandemics, and when it is needed by all, these men will make fortunes while most peple will die because they can’t afford to buy it.
Please… most all drugs on the market cost pennies on the dollar to physically make compared to what they charge for them. You can just show a “retail cost” at whatever you want, give a “huge discount” to the hospitals (charging a little over cost), and write off the difference as a “loss” on your taxes. Talk to the accountants and PR, they’ll tell you it’s not a bad idea (pay less taxes and your company looks less evil). ;-)
@GatoCatI sure wish Bill Gates, or Andrew Carnegie for that matter were as philanthropic as we would like to think. As one who knows a number of MS employees, I learned that Bill is only giving now for same reason Carnegie was back in the day. Both ruthless business men, some one who you don’t want to see on the other side of the conference table; nasty men. But in later years understood that they wanted to leave a legacy of people thinking well of them. It worked for Carnegie. Will probably work also for Bill. I’d say Bill’s lucky to have Melissa or he might not have gotten to this point. At least these men do spend their money for good eventually, whatever the motivation, I am at least grateful for that.
Low profits after being sued up one side and down the other for however much the lawyers can squeeze from lawsuits. Dont’cha watch TV? Popular drug = lawsuit.
Nebulous Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Which is why medicine shouldn’t be a For Profit business.When did “Making Money” become more important than “Saving Lives”?
uniquename almost 13 years ago
Interesting. There really is a tranexamic acid and it does what the strip says. Looks like it is being sold, however, and in use in hospitals.
Christopher Shea almost 13 years ago
Here’s an article on it.
It’s available, but the pharmaceutical companies aren’t interested in marketing it widely because it’s not very profitable. Better to work on the next baldness cure or boner pill…
I'll fly away almost 13 years ago
Drugs are manufactured only to ease not heal, thus huge profit margins. Best to go holistic, if possible. Had several meds that I had terrible reactions to. Exercise and eating better are your best things to do.
pam Miner almost 13 years ago
Too bad this attitude is all too true!Unlike Dr. Salk, when asked why he decided not to claim a paten, said " how can a man patent the sun? it’s there for all. this is for all people to benefit from." A noble and altruistic man! Now there are people holding patents to cure several potential new pandemics, and when it is needed by all, these men will make fortunes while most peple will die because they can’t afford to buy it.
mgstrick almost 13 years ago
Sell the formula to the highest bidder
HareBall almost 13 years ago
Do you really believe that Bill Gates don’t worry about profit margin? If so, then why are Microsoft products some of the most expensive out there?
burleigh2 almost 13 years ago
Please… most all drugs on the market cost pennies on the dollar to physically make compared to what they charge for them. You can just show a “retail cost” at whatever you want, give a “huge discount” to the hospitals (charging a little over cost), and write off the difference as a “loss” on your taxes. Talk to the accountants and PR, they’ll tell you it’s not a bad idea (pay less taxes and your company looks less evil). ;-)
philogaia almost 13 years ago
@GatoCatI sure wish Bill Gates, or Andrew Carnegie for that matter were as philanthropic as we would like to think. As one who knows a number of MS employees, I learned that Bill is only giving now for same reason Carnegie was back in the day. Both ruthless business men, some one who you don’t want to see on the other side of the conference table; nasty men. But in later years understood that they wanted to leave a legacy of people thinking well of them. It worked for Carnegie. Will probably work also for Bill. I’d say Bill’s lucky to have Melissa or he might not have gotten to this point. At least these men do spend their money for good eventually, whatever the motivation, I am at least grateful for that.
doris sloan almost 13 years ago
Low profits after being sued up one side and down the other for however much the lawyers can squeeze from lawsuits. Dont’cha watch TV? Popular drug = lawsuit.