Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for April 28, 2012
Alice: Since you're drawing comic books you should work on your Toad Zombies graphic novel! Petey: It's been giving me trouble. I've drawn 317 pages of introductory material... but when I added the Toad Zombies they seemed intrusive and unnecessary. Like they no longer fit the narrative. It's annoying. Alice: Boy, I'll say! If I were you I'd get mad and throw things! Petey: That might help. Though my first impulse is always to chew my arm off.
lightningsnowstorm over 12 years ago
Put some salt on your arm while your at it. Oh, and pepper.
GROG Premium Member over 12 years ago
Now a normal person might change the narative such that the stars would no longer be considered intrusive.
geometeer over 12 years ago
Soy sauce.
policelimit Premium Member over 12 years ago
When writing material, cut out the first two thirds of what you’ve written. The last third is your story.
cdward over 12 years ago
Petey, you must serve the artistic process – throw some things!
pouncingtiger over 12 years ago
Then Petey will be dis-arm-ing.
brick10 over 12 years ago
Petey, get thee to a therapist!
Sisyphos over 12 years ago
Chewing your arm off is counter-productive to your cartooning, Petey. The Toad Zombies seem promising, however: THROW the 317 pages of introductory matter and start afresh with the added Toad Zombies!
William Bednar Premium Member over 12 years ago
Petey, try making a Toad Zombie diorama. That should get your creative juices flowing!
merbates over 12 years ago
No! No therapist for Petey! Let those creative juices FLOW!
3hourtour Premium Member over 12 years ago
..and that is how The Advengers was made…
finale over 12 years ago
If he was an adult he’d be hittin’ a bottle, a bong or on a babe……ahhhhh; creativity.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 12 years ago
I like to throw things too!
StrangerCoug over 12 years ago
Not everything an artist thinks up gets into the final story. Everybody who draws comics knows this.
fritzoid Premium Member over 12 years ago
Petey hates comics in which things happen (more precisely, he prefers comics in which things DON’T happen). After 317 pages of introductory material, an appearance by Toad Zombies would of course be a very big “happening,” so he’s better off without them.
Petey, follow your muse. Go to the last full page before the Toad Zombies were to appear, and write “The End” at the bottom, even if it’s in the middle of a scene. Besides, a 300+ page comic called “Toad Zombies” in which no Toad Zombies actually appear is fully consistent with the Indie Comic scene.
Alternatively, go back and insert a few Toad Zombies (or a lot) into the background of what you’ve already completed. The existence of Toad Zombies could be an initial condition of the world you’ve created, rather than a manufactured crisis — an “event”, a “story” — that happens within it.
ottod Premium Member over 12 years ago
How much for a signed toad zombie panel?
rwgtcg over 12 years ago
hahahahahaha.. Love it!!!!
Logical Duck over 12 years ago
I looked at the 2nd panel before I read the dialogue. Itlooked to me like a mass of tadpoles each sporting one massive eye, until I realised I was meant to be seeing toads.